Page 25 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 25

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            river Gihon, which flows around the whole land of Kush, is the river Nile. The river
            Euphrates is still called Euphrates, the river Hiddekel that goes toward the east of
            Assyria is the river Tigris. Bdellium was an aromatic gum which was brought from
            India-Dravidia, as well as the onyx stone. The gold was brought from Ophir locat-
            ed in the Eastern part  of  India-Dravidia. Titus Flavius Josephus  (also known as
            Yosef Ben Matityahu) affirmed that the river  Pison  is  the river  Ganges, because
            Eden in Hebrew is Gan Eden. When the Aryan tribes had defeated the Dravidian
            black magicians’ civilization, they came to Mesopotamia (from the Greek meaning
            “The land between the two rivers”); later on, the representatives of the grey sub-race
            created  there  the Sumerian civilization. The  Dravidian  black  magicians were not
            fully destroyed; some were able to hide in their Ancient Motherland — the African
            continent, most likely in Ethiopia which was called the Land of Kush. The greater
            part of the Dravidian and the Naga people remained in India-Dravidia, some re-

            turned to the northeast of Africa to Ethiopia, the Land of Kush, and some settled in
            Mesopotamia  and  in  the  Middle  East.  However,  most  likely  the  majority  of  de-
            scendants of derelicts, who had formed this new grey sub-race, abandoned their new
            Motherland  fearing  the  punishment  because  their  ancestors  had  violated  the  RITA
            laws (Sanskrit. Rtá). I will tell about this later and meanwhile let us come back to the
            Old Testament.
                  Abstracting from  the  literal understanding  of the words  of the Old Testament
            that the river Pison which flowed out of Gan Eden was divided into four rivers, the
            Ganges, Euphrates, Tigris and Nile, and understanding hereunder the division into
            three  parts  of  the  black  magicians’  civilization,  who  worshipped  the  goddess
            Kali, (Sanskrit.  Kali-Ma means the Black Mother), we can see that one part of the
            followers of this cult remained at the river Ganges, the second part was expelled
            from Eden on Ganges and settled in Mesopotamia along the rivers Tigris and Eu-
            phrates and, finally, the third part of the expelled Black Magicians returned to
            their Ancient Motherland and settled by the upper course of the river Nile, in the
            Land of Kush (Ethiopia). It is very logical to assume that Eden was a sacred place
            for  the  tribes  of  the  Dravidian  and  the  Naga  people,  who  worshipped  the  Black
            Mother, especially for the priestess’ of the goddess Kali-Ma, because the servants
            of this goddess were mainly women.

                  The point is that that the Urs, highly developed people who came from other
            planets and lived among the people of the white race, came to Dravidia-India together
            with the Aryan tribes. The Urs were the Aryans’ teachers and defenders. They pos-
            sessed extensive knowledge and tremendous abilities, which seemed supernatural for
            the people of other races, in this case — for the people of the black race to which the
            Dravidian and the Naga people belonged. The Urs were the representatives of the
            Light Forces of the Universe; they were the Volkhvs, Veduns  and White Magi-
            cians for the Aryans. In principle, exactly these Volkhvs organized the Campaign and
            led the Aryan tribes to Dravidia in order to stop the distribution of the Dark Forces
            influence, the conductors of which were the Black Magicians of Dravidia.

                  22  Volkhvs, Veduns are Slavonic words for magi, sorcerers.

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