Page 26 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 26

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  In the times of a new Great Assa
                  The Dark were expelled from all Earths
                  Of the Makosh , Rada  and Race  palaces ,
                  Therefore the Dark Way of Spirits and Souls began
                  To go only through the World of People,
                  Who lived on the Earths in the Arm of the Swati Galaxy,
                  And ascension along the Golden Way
                  Became possible only through the World of People:
                  Midgard-Earth, being in the middle – between
                  Light and Darkness began to play an important role;
                  Therefore the Dark Forces decided
                  To give power over the people to Demons,

                  That is why there is a fight between Dark and
                  Light forces on Midgard-Earth,
                  In which people from different Clans and Nations take part…

                  1.4. The nature of Light and Dark Forces. Dark Forces are social

                  Dark and Light forces, good and evil… Some may say that all this is very sub-
            jective and relative. They are partly right, but only partly. Good manifested toward
            one  person  can  bring  evil  to  many,  and  evil  manifested  toward  many  persons  can
            bring good to one. The concepts of good and evil are not absolute, but relative. But
            these concepts become absolute ones when they are applied to certain situations and
            events. Besides, if we take into account the fact that very often evil puts on robes of
            holiness and speaks on behalf of the latter, it is possible to recognize the true mask of
            evil only through the deeds.

                  Parasitism feeds Dark Forces, and creation — Light ones. Parasites are those
            who exist at the expense of others. There are plenty of parasites in Nature.

                  We may assume that parasitism is a natural, necessary, phenomenon of Nature
            and this will be absolutely… wrong. Any parasite, which parasitizes on a living or-
            ganism or on the “organism” of the society, sucking out the vital juices, either dies
            together with the donor or finds a new one. One way or another, any parasite brings

                  23  The Great War between Light and Dark Forces which seized four constellations of Swarga.
                  24  Planets.
                  25  Slavonic-Aryan name constellation of the Great Bear.
                  26  Slavonic-Aryan name constellation of Orion.
                  27  Slavonic-Aryan name constellation of Leo.
                  28  Constellations.
                  29  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas, The Book of Light. Charatia 4, p. 102-103.

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