Page 30 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 30

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            differently to one and the same external and internal influence . In other words,
            natural phenomena and events will cause different emotional and behavioural re-
            actions  in  the  representatives  of  different  races .  Therefore,  the  development  of
            different races went along diverse evolutional paths.

                  Moreover, the feminine and masculine hormonal systems  differ dramatically
            which lays additional differences on their psychical and behavioural reactions to ex-
            ternal and internal events. The female psyche is more mobile than the masculine one.
            The female exchange processes are changed in much wider ranges than the masculine
            ones. In women the size of the hypophysis, an organ which controls the human hor-
            monal system, is two times bigger than in men. This is conditioned by the fact that
            woman is designed to bear and nurse children. However, this feature of the female
            organism, so important for the procreation of the human kind, very often does a dis-
            service to the representatives of the “weaker sex.”

                  The mobility has its limits; once going beyond them can sometimes cause irre-
            versible changes in the organism of a woman. It is a fact that woman becomes accus-
            tomed to alcohol, or drugs two or three times quicker than man, but takes considera-
            bly longer to get out of a habit and endures a great deal more in the process. The high
            level of emotionality and the ease with which some women enter into the state of
            trance  plays  a  considerable  role  in  the  above.  It  was  these  qualities  of  the  female
            physiology and psyche, together with the presence of paranormal abilities that created
            the conditions for women to be dominant in the matriarchal epochs of ancient civili-

                  The ability to enter into the state of trance allowed such women in a greater or
            lesser  degree  to  control  both  their  and  others’  psi-energy  and  primarily,  the  psi-
            energy  of  men.  This  ability  made  sex  their  powerful  weapon  for  their  aims  to  be
            achieved. The “doors” to other levels of reality, which these naturally gifted women
            opened with such ease, allowed them to contact directly the “inhabitants” of these
            levels, many of which were the spirits of extinct creatures. On losing their physical
            bodies, these creatures adjusted to new conditions of existence, turning into vital en-
            ergy  parasites.  They  learned  to  devour  the  life-force  of  those  who  were  “lucky”
            enough to possess a physical body, namely, “ate” their emotions . The adaptation to
            this kind of existence developed new abilities which they had not possessed, being
            the  proprietors  of  their  own  physical  bodies.  Some  of  them  learned  to  influence
            through the subconscious, those who lived in the physically dense world, provoking
            their “bread-winners” to emit exactly those emotions which they were able to absorb.
            It is not by chance that almost all people had and some still have their popular beliefs
            in house-spirits. A good house-spirit protected people in whose house he lived and
            tried to maintain love and harmony in families which was a source of positive emo-
            tions for him and made up his “food allowance.” A bad one, on the contrary, tried to
            provoke negative emotional reactions which were his “daily bread”. Therefore people

                  33  Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and Mind. Vol 1. Chapter 3.
                  34  Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and Mind. Vol 3. Chapter 10, 11.
                  35  Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and Mind. Vol 1. Chapter 3.

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