Page 27 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 27

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            destruction and chaos with him and, therefore, carries negative evolution. However,
            in the animal kingdom parasites fulfil a positive role, eliminating weak organisms,
            primarily, the genetically weak, which favours the preservation of species and evolu-
            tion of the most healthy and adjusted individuals. In the end, they favour  positive
            evolution. Unlike natural parasites, social parasites first eliminate the strongest and
            healthiest elements of the social organism, thus, completely destroying it. There-
            fore, social parasites promote negative evolution and, undoubtedly, carry evolution-
            al death, whatever point of view one may consider. There is no benefit herein, not-
            withstanding any arguments which these parasites could bring.

                  Dark Forces are such social parasites. Here is what the ancient Slavonic-Aryan
            Vedas predicted on this subject:

                  12. (76). You will discern the foreign enemies
                  By their grey skin
                  13. (77). Using lies and sinful flattery,

                  They will occupy many lands of Midgard-earth,
                  As they did on other Earths,
                  In many worlds in the days of the last Great Assa,

                  But they will be defeated
                  And exiled to the country of Artificial Mountains,

                  Where the people with skin
                  Of the colour of Darkness and the descendants of the Celestial Kin,
                  Who came from the earth of the God Niy,  abide
                  And human children will begin to teach them to work,
                  So they can grow cereals and vegetables to feed their children…

                  14. (78). But the absence of the desire to work will unite Strangers
                  And they will abandon the country of Artificial Mountains

                  And settle in all lands of Midgard-earth.
                  They will create their beliefs and declare

                  Themselves to be the sons of One God,
                  And will sacrifice their blood and
                  Their children’s blood, in order to

                  Establish a blood union
                  Between their God and themselves

                  30  In the Slavonic-Aryan mythology Niy is the god of seas and oceans, the patron of navigation and fishing, the
            Slavic Kin of the Ants (whom the Greeks called Atlantes) and the Land of the Ants, Antlan (Atlantis). He is the god-
            patron of the Land of Niy (the planet Neptune).

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