Page 250 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 250

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  Four hundred years before the exodus of the Israelites from Ancient Egypt, it
            was conquered by the Hyksos which governed there for one hundred and fifty years
            until they lost their dominant position. It turns out that the Israelites are the Hyksos,
            more precisely, some of them are. Moreover, if we remember the following words of
            the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas: “... But they would be defeated and exiled to the country
            of Artificial Mountains”, everything falls into place. The Israelites do not celebrate
            liberation from Egyptian slavery, which never existed, but the exodus from the place
            of their exile.

                   They had not fulfilled the purpose for which they were exiled — to be rid of the
            influence of parasitic forces through labour and were in this country  against their
            will,  moreover,  they  were  there  according  to  the  will  of  the  winner  —  the  Slavs-
            Aryans which being on the side of Light Forces beat the supporters of Kali-Ma cult
            during the Second Conquest of Dravidia! Then four hundred years of Egyptian “slav-
            ery” about which the Judaic legend tells acquires quite another meaning. These four
            centuries of “slavery” were for them the term of their exile to the Country of Artifi-
            cial Mountains, during which they were unable to execute their mission for which
            they had been prepared by Dark Forces:

                  “Dispersion was one of the pre-conditions of its history; it was destined to ful-
            fill its main mission by being dispersed”.

                  The question is: What was this special mission for which Dark Forces prepared
            the Israelites? And why did they have to be dispersed among other tribes and people
            to implement it? The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas tell about the dispersion of the support-
            ers of Kali-Ma Moon cult deported to Ancient Egypt in the following: “… And they
            will abandon the country of Artificial Mountains and settle in all lands of Midgard-
            earth...” Thus, all the sources mentioned above tell us about the same events and the
            same people — the Israelites.

                  It is true that these events are expounded from several points of view, two of
            which are diametrically opposed: one is from the point of view of the followers of the
            cult of Light (Light Forces) and another one is from the point of view of the followers
            of the cult of the Moon (Dark Forces). However, they both specify that the Israelites
            are those exiled followers of Dark Forces and supporters of the Moon cult…
                  The myths of Ancient Egypt and the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas clearly show that
            the Israelites became that weapon which Dark Forces chose in order to inflict a blow

            to the Light Forces from within. Unfortunately, Dark Forces appeared to be more
            flexible and drew correct conclusions from their defeats pretty quickly, which is part-
            ly explained by their parasitic nature. The main error of the followers of Light Forc-
            es on Midgard-earth was their misunderstanding of this nature and, as a result of it,
            the projection of their morals and spirituality onto a defeated opponent.
                  Being guided by their moral concepts which they absorb with mother’s milk, the
            supporters of Light Forces did not understand that the “repenting” supporters of Dark
            Forces did not “turn over a new leaf” after their defeat. They lied to lull the vigilance
            of their winners, to buy time for the development of a new strategy and tactics and to
            strike  a  treacherous  blow  in  the  back  when  the  moment  would  come.  Because  of

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