Page 307 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 307

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            interest that they declared at their interrogations after being arrested that they got the
            order to kill the Crown Prince from the Judaic headquarters in the USA. A quite in-
            teresting situation turns out: Zionists in Serbia kill the Crown Prince Ferdinand fol-
            lowing an order from the Zionist centre in the USA. Usually, a cause for a war is cre-
            ated  by  those  for  whom  it  is  maximally  advantageous.  Following  this  statement,
            World War I in Europe was, primarily, advantageous for the Zionists of the USA.

                  And again, it was the Israelites who skimmed the “cream” from the World War,
            because all the participants in this conflict not only lost millions of young fellows on
            the battle-fields and got their countries devastated and deprived, but also they spent
            their  strategic  supplies  of  gold  on  war!  And  where  did  this  wide  stream  of  gold
            “flow”?! It flowed, mainly, into the bottomless pockets of Judaic financiers, many of
            whom had settled in the USA. Military supplies always brought super-profits. In ad-
            dition  to  this,  the  American  Israelites  pursued  another  cherished  aim  —  to  bring
            down the Russian Empire, their main enemy. According to many legends and predic-
            tions, the Golden Era of Humanity will begin exactly with Russia, and in this Golden
            Era there will be no place for the parasitic system created by the Israelites. In fact, the
            main purpose of World War I was the weakening or destroying of the Russian Em-
            pire which partly succeeded. As a matter of fact the attacks  on Russia have never
            been halted during the whole last Night of Svarog. They became especially heavy in
            the approaching dawn. It is a well-known phenomenon that the night is the darkest
            before dawn...

                  The American Judaic financial circles prepared the first blow on the Far East. It
            was exactly they who stood behind the Japanese-Russian conflict in 1904-1907. The
            situation  around  Port  Arthur  was  provoked  by  the  American  Israelites.  There  are
            some interesting facts of this conflict worthy of our attention that for “some” reason
            “missed” the attention of official “science”. For example, many war-ships of the Rus-
            sian Far-Eastern squadron were built in American shipyards, just as were Japanese
            ones. The Marine Admiralty of the Russian Empire ordered the USA to build several
            high-speed war-ships and they were built, but at the expense of reliability: the Ameri-
            can shipbuilders “achieved” the necessary speed not due to structural solutions or the
            qualitative improvement of the armoured steel, which would have allowed a reduc-
            tion in the weight of the armour without diminishing its reliability, but using a very
            “original”  method.  As  the  contract  stipulated  only  the  requirements  for  speed,  the
            American “friends” executed them using the simplest method: they took off the ar-
            mour wherever possible (and  impossible)!  The ironclad plates were removed  even
            from the gun decks, as well as the ironclad partitions between internal compartments,
            whereupon, almost any breach would lead to the inevitable sinking of a ship. It is of
            interest that everything was all right with Japanese war-ships built in the same ship-
            yards of San Francisco.

                  The strange (only on the face of it) position of the American shipbuilders, never-
            theless, would hardly have saved the Japanese fleet from complete defeat, if it were
            not for Britain’s “friendly” recommendation: to wet the pyroxylin when the Russian
            squadrons crossed equatorial and tropical waters, allegedly, to prevent it from spon-
            taneous combustion. In fact, there could be no spontaneous combustion of pyroxylin

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