Page 310 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 310

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            In 1892 he became the Finance Minister and worked eleven years in this post, and in
            1905-1906 he was the Prime Minister.

                  Exactly in the time of his premiership in many educational establishments the
            percentage of Israelite students was pretty high, and in medical and legal ones it was
            up to 60% and higher. At the same time all Israelite students from poor families got a
            state grant which was more than enough for decent living; their progress did not mat-
            ter, it was enough that he (she) was from a poor Judaic family. At the same time no
            public grant was given to Russian students, the state treasury did not pay for their
            study. Indeed “poor” Israelites were “terribly” oppressed in the Russian Empire…            171

                  Thus, at the beginning of World War I, there was a very unfavorable situation in
            the Russian Empire. At first the Israelites sabotaged military supplies to the front, but
            this did not bring the desired results: the Russian Empire did not collapse at once.
            Moreover, the Russian army conducted one of the best strategic operations of World
            War I in May-August of 1916. The operation of South-west Front troops under the
            command of the General of the Cavalry Aleksei Alekseevich Brusilov (1853-1926)
            resulted in the shattering defeat of the Austro-Hungarian armies which lost up to 1.5
            million persons and allowed the capture of the enemy’s vast territory. It was the fa-
            mous Brusilov Offensive. After this blow the Austro-Hungarian Empire was not able
            to recover and very soon ceased to exist. Obviously, the Judaic puppeteers of World
            War I did not expect this turn of events. Therefore they immediately started the sec-
            ond act which they had planned to play later — the Great “Russian” Revolution. In
            order to understand, how much this revolution was a “Russian” one, it is enough to
            read the book The Jews in Russia and the USSR by Andrei Dikiy.

                  This book was destined for oblivion by world (read — Judaic) public opinion.
            Actually, oblivion is  one  of the  most  effective  of their weapons. Controlling mass
            media, they “just” do not reveal to the world that which can ruin their game. When
            the Israelites run into something serious that they can neither refute nor pervert, they
            simply “forget” about it: there are neither positive nor negative reviews in mass me-
            dia. There is nothing in them at all... The Israelites buy up and destroy the books of
            “heretics” and put the names of the authors onto the black list, whereupon they can-
            not publish their books almost anywhere. The Israelites arrange an infernal life for
            such people and few know about their civil feat… It is a very effective method.

                  Let  us  come  back  to  1916.  After  the  Brusilov  Offensive,  Judaic  circles  were
            very  worried.  They  desperately  needed  to  stop  Russia,  because  who  knows  what
            could happen. The victory of Russia in World War I was inconvenient not only for
            the American Israelites, but also for their English, French and German colleagues. In
            fact, the capture of power in the Russian Empire prepared by the American Israelites
            was planned to be carried out after its defeat in World War I, but the situation did not
            unfold  according  to  the  desired  scenario.  They  needed  to  take  measures  quickly,
            which, certainly, was done…

                  171  More information about the Israelites in the Russian empire is in The Jews in Russia and the USSR by An-
            drei Dikiy.

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