Page 309 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 309
Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1
est quality and incomplete uniforms came to the front-line. In short, there was an un-
disguised sabotage of supplies to the front.
It is of interest that it was the Israelites who were, primarily, engaged in military
supplies for the Russian army. Therefore, it is quite clear who organized the sabotage,
although the Emperor's treasury paid for military supplies in gold and in full. The en-
emies, both external and internal, acted against the Russian Empire. Both, outside and
inside the country, they were, mainly, the Israelites. The “external” Israelites orga-
nized World War I (this is how it is called in modern chronology) and the “internal”
Israelites sabotaged the Empire from within. By 1914 the “oppressed” in the Russian
Empire Israelites controlled the food supply not only for the army, but also for the
largest cities of the Empire, as well as other supplies. The Prime minister of the Rus-
sian Empire, Count Sergei Witte did a lot for this. The Emperor Nickolas II granted
him the title of Count for “great services” for the good of the Empire. These “great
services” were that he concluded an “honoured” peaceful treaty with Japan, accord-
ing to which all Kuril Islands and half of Sakhalin Island passed to Japan, not to men-
tion that the Russian Empire lost Port-Arthur and its influence on the Far East con-
siderably decreased. All this suited Japan, Great Britain and the USA perfectly.
Sergei Witte was the Minister of Finance from 1892 to 1903 and the guilt for the
defeat of the Russian Empire in the war with Japan lies, mainly, with him. Although
the order to build war-ships for the Russian fleet in the USA with such idiotic condi-
tions was signed by the Naval Minister, the Minister of Finance was no less responsi-
ble for what and how the money from the Empire’s treasury was expended. The care-
lessly drawn up contract gave the Americans the opportunity to sabotage the launch-
ing of full-fledged war-ships for the Russian fleet legally and fully officially. Exactly
because of this contract, the war-ships had almost none of the armour and protective
partitions which were put on all Russian ships built in Russian shipyards! Indeed, a
“genius” financier. The question is: “genius” for whom — for the Russian people or
the Israelites!? It turns out for the latter...
Sergei Witte got the title of Count for his great services to the Israelites, because
they received the chance to penetrate almost all branches of the Russian Empires’
economy only in the time of his being in the government. He took care that almost
the whole railway communication system appeared in Judaic hands: to do this public
money which was given as credits for railway building was used. Sergei Witte or-
dered the state credits to be given mainly to Israelites. What was the cause of such
love for them? In fact, he was not an Israelite; he was a “naturalized Russian” de-
scendant of Dutch migrants. In 1892 he became the Transport Minister and ... married
Matilda Lisapevich (maiden name Nurok). By strange “coincidence”, she appeared to
be an Israelite.
In order to do a favour for such a “good” man, her first husband, also an Israel-
ite, agreed to give her a divorce, in spite of the fact they had a daughter. Well, one
can do a lot for the sake of a good man — even give him a wife and a daughter, “con-
soling” oneself with twenty thousand roubles of compensation, which then was quite
a substantial sum. It turned out that the next Judaic fiancée got well settled and even
brought twenty thousand roubles! The new “relatives” began actively to push him up.
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