Page 314 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 314

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1


                  He was born into the family of a rich Judaic colonist landowner on October, 25
            (November, 7), 1879 in Yanovka village, Elisavetogradsky district; Kherson province
            (he was killed on August, 21 1940 in Coyoacan, Mexico). Leyba Bronstein returned
            from immigration in the USA to Russia in May, 1917. Few know that before return-
            ing to his historical Motherland, this “simple” immigrant had a several-hour meeting
            with the American president Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921); also he met one
            of the most important financiers and bankers in the USA, Jacob Schiff, and got from
            him twenty million dollars in gold! Exactly the Jacob Schiff who gave the credit of
            two hundred million dollars to the Japanese for the war with the Russian Empire,
            the purpose of which was the undermining of Russia’s economy and organization of
            political instability. Exactly the Jacob Schiff who financed the First Judaic Revolu-
            tion  of  1905-1907!  The  Finance  Minister  and  later  the  Prime  Minister  of  Russian
            Empire, Count S.Y. Witte was Jacob Schiff’s protégé. What kind of “servants” did
            the Russian Empire have?!

                  So, the Israelite Jacob Schiff gave money to the Israelite Leyba Bronstein (Trot-
            sky). In addition to money, he provided him with 276 Judaic soldiers from the Judaic
            eastern district of New York and gave him a steamship, the “Christiana”, with weap-
            ons on board. It is of interest that when the Canadian authorities detained Bronstein
            and Co., the personal  intervention  of the president  of the USA  Thomas  Woodrow
            Wilson was required in order that the Canadians would release them.

                  Certainly, Jacob Schiff was not the only one who was “interested” in the Rus-
            sian Empire; together with him, other Israelites, namely, Felix Warburg, Otto Kahn,
            Mortimer Schiff and Jerome Hanauer “took care” of the situation in Russia. And, cer-
            tainly, it could not do it without the Rothschild banker house!         173  It is of interest that
            for “some” reason neither Bronstein, nor the Judaic soldiers, who arrived from New
            York, carried out any “revolutionary” fight against the American capitalists. On the
            contrary, they kept up acquaintances with them, as did Leyba Bronstein with one of
            the richest Israelites of that time, Jacob Schiff, and they obeyed orders, just like 276
            Judaic soldiers who even without knowing Russian went with Leyba Bronstein (Trot-
            sky) to far away Russia to fight the “frigging” bourgeois for the “happiness” of the
            Russian proletariat!

                  By the way, the Bolshevists firstly completely destroyed a whole class of the
            Russian proletariat. They did it for one simple reason. The professional workers in
            Russia got a very good salary, their children went to kindergartens and they went to
            Cyprus and Italy for holidays. Therefore Judaic revolutionaries could not allow these
            “irresponsible” workers to express their interests themselves and voluntarily took this
            “burden” on their shoulders. In order that these “irresponsible” workers did not im-
            pede  the  carrying  out  of  their  revolutionary  “mission”  with  their  “foolish”  stories
            about how well they lived under Tsarism, the professional workers were cut out, to-

                  173  See Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, by Antony C. Sutton, Standford University, 1975, New
            Rochelle, NY. ISBN # 0870003283).

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