Page 318 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 318
Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1
the first Romanov began to carry out, the Bolshevists continued to fulfill very active-
ly. The parasitic Judaic system drank the blood of Russia for almost seventy five
years and it was only at the very end of the Last Night of Svarog that this system fell,
however, it did not happen on its own, but only when the psi-generators which influ-
enced people at the subconscious level were destroyed, about which the overwhelm-
ing majority of people were unaware 176 .
Using the same “instruments”, the Israelites influenced the masses during the
Great “Russian” Revolution forcing them into doing exactly what was expected of
them, which was achieved only after the population of the country underwent a pow-
erful emotional destabilization owing to the horrors of World War I and the artificial-
ly created famine in important cities of the Empire. Also, the Bolshevist-Israelites
made zombies out of the masses by means of Neuro-Linguistic programming (NLP)
which they mastered to perfection. In addition, they chose for their actions a time
during the Night of Svarog when people were the most susceptible to the influence of
nature, the Universe itself, the lower instincts and were within an external field which
was resonant with the negative emotions and qualities of the human soul (more de-
tails in the section “The nature of Days and Nights of Svarog”). The time for the ac-
tions of social parasites was not chosen by chance; also, in order to strengthen the,
favourable for them, situation they artificially created such external conditions (war,
hunger) which (along with the natural factors) allowed them to obtain an even strong-
er influence on people. Also, in order to carry out their most important project the Is-
raelites invested enormous capital accumulated in the dispersion, which, as I men-
tioned before, was their conscious strategy by which they succeeded in creating the
parasitic financial system.
One way or another, after the Israelites had usurped power in the Russian Em-
pire, they were unable to do this in the rest of the world, although they undertook at-
tempts at “independent” revolutions in Germany and Hungary, but failed. The princi-
pal reason for this was that the Russian Israelites did not support these “proletarian”
revolutions. More precisely, the majority of “proletarian” Israelite leaders preferred
to stop at what they had achieved. They did not want to lose the enormous power and
wealth which they had taken in Russia. They did not want to make their benefactors
like Jacob Schiff yet richer, they wanted to become rich themselves. Besides, they
had already had a glut of the wealth created by the Russian people in their hands.
Therefore, the greater part of the Leninists gave up the idea of world revolution, ex-
cept for Leyba Bronstein (Trotsky) and his supporters. Settling up the matter with
their brother-creditors, they became their own masters, although they did not break
off relations with them.
However, Messrs Schiff and Rothschild were not at all upset, because all “revo-
lutionary”-Leninists kept all the wealth amassed by robbery of the Russian people in
their banks. Russian gold and wealth taken out of the country after the revolution at
first began to flow into Judaic banks of Switzerland, and when the German Israelites
176 More details in The Mirror of My Soul by N. Levashov
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