Page 51 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 51

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            these abilities, certainly, to the extent that their own abilities allow. I would like to
            draw to your attention that not only do Х- and Y-chromosomes carry the information
            about sex but also about other human properties and qualities. In addition, we shall
            not forget that, besides Х- and Y-chromosomes, everyone gets two groups of twenty
            two other chromosomes.

                  Everything will be clear, if we pay attention to the fact that racial features in
            people  of  the  white  race  are  handed  down  through  the  father,  through  his  Y-
            chromosome, because a Y-chromosome dominates over an X-chromosome, like, for
            example, the dark colour of eyes dominates over blue or green. The Y-chromosome
            and the other twenty two carry basic qualities and properties peculiar to people of the
            white race. That is why children in the Aryan tribes are determined through the fa-
            ther, especially boys who bear the basic features of the white race. The representa-
            tives of the black race have everything to the contrary. Exactly, an  X-chromosome
            (together with the other twenty two chromosomes) dominates over a Y-chromosome
            and bears the properties and qualities peculiar to the black race. Therefore, the Ne-
            groid  (black)  race  properties  and  qualities  are  passed  only  through  the women.
            And if we take into account that a black woman has two X-chromosomes and bears
            a  future  child  and,  thus,  rendering  determinative  influence  on  his  properties  and
            qualities. The dominant Y-chromosome of the white race, beyond all doubt, appears
            to be also dominant over the X-chromosome of the black race in a zygote cell (a
            cell of a fertilized egg), but during the development of a fetus, which bears the mixed
            racial features, in the uterus of a black woman, not only the recessive qualities of
            the X-chromosome of the white race are depressed but also the dominant qualities
            of the Y-chromosome. The dominant Y-chromosome of the white race is unable to
            keep its dominant status against two maternal X-chromosomes and one zygote X-
            chromosome; and also being under the influence of the powerful streams of primary
            matters which flow through the physical body and spirit of a black race person, as a
            result it comes to be in an inferior, depressed position.

                  The white race determinative properties and qualities appear in the same de-
            pressed and inferior position. That is why the maternal line is determinative in the
            Negroid (black) race. It is not accidental that some nationalities of the grey sub-
            race  determine  their  nationality  through  the  mother;  this  is  observed  especially
            strictly in the customs of the Israelites. We will return to this question later on, and
            now let us aim our internal look at the events which happened in Dravidia and were
            described in the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas and in the Old Testament.

                  As a result of the first Aryan Campaign in Dravidia the priestesses and priests of
            Kali-Ma, the Black Mother, were expelled and a small number of the Urs-teachers
            stayed in ancient India in order to bring the light of knowledge to the Dravidian and
            Naga tribes and to change their genetic qualities for the better. According to the In-
            dian legends, seven white teachers (rishi) came from the North high mountains (the
            Himalayas)  and  brought  to  the  local  populace  the  Vedas  and  new  Vedic  beliefs
            which  in  the  course  of  time  were  distorted  and  transformed  into  Hinduism.  They
            taught people:


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