Page 52 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 52

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  … with skin the colour of darkness
                  The wisdom of the world of Shine.
                  So they stopped making frightful and bloody
                  Sacrifices to their goddess, the Black Mother,
                  And to snake-dragons from the world of Nav
                  And founded a new Divine Wisdom and Faith…


                  This knowledge in the form of the Sacred dicta from the Wisdom of Shine en-
            tered  into  Rig-Veda  which  is  known  in  modern  India  as  the  Indian  Vedas.  Seven
            white teacher-Urs knew perfectly the connection between psychical and behavioral
            reactions and the human genetics. They understood that worshiping Kali-Ma, the
            Black Mother, for thousands of years was not something accidental, but the conse-
            quence of the resonance of this cult with psychical and behavioral features inherent
            to the genetics of the black (Negroid) race . These properties and qualities showed
            up especially strongly through the  X-chromosomes of the black race, because in a
            genetically pure black woman each X-chromosome strengthens the dominant proper-
            ties  of  another  X-chromosome  which  causes  a  substantial  mutual  strengthening  of
            their properties and qualities, creating a brightly pronounced female dominant. Un-
            derstanding this, the Urs-tearchers had to change the genetic code of the Dravidian
            and Naga tribes, adding some fragments of the white race genetics. They conducted
            this genetic correction everywhere in order to block negative psychical and behav-
            ioral reactions in the tribes of the black and yellow races which appealed for help to
            them. Most  tribes, which  the Urs-teachers  resettled from Asia  to North and South
            America, underwent this kind of genetic correction. This migration had lasted until
            the Bering Isthmus between Kamchatka and Alaska disappeared.

                  In the case of the black race, the white Urs-teachers came across a special situa-
            tion, when their own genes added to a genetic “caldron” were not enough to get the
            necessary qualitative changes in the psychical and behavioral reactions in the race as
            a whole. The active X-chromosome did not give this possibility because of the rea-
            sons indicated above. Moreover, the other twenty two chromosomes also possessed
            their active properties handed down by the distaff side. Therefore, the Urs applied a
            new principle of genetic engineering. To create a new sub-race they used passive (re-
            cessive) masculine chromosomes of the black race. For this purpose they used the
            cells of the yellow masculine marrow, as the most suitable for this purpose. When
            these cells divide, they produce white blood cells which have many  functions, the
            main of which is a building one. The blood stream delivers the white blood cells to
            tissues, where they form one or another cell necessary for the human multi-cellular
            organism. Yellow marrow is located in the cavities of the bones of the human skele-
            ton, including ribs. The simplest way to obtain the yellow marrow with minimal con-
            sequences for the human organism is to extract it out of a rib.

                  51  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. Santias of the Perun Vedas. The First Circle. Santia 5, p 39.
                  52  More of the human geo-psychological phenomena see Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and Mind. Vol. 3. Chapter 11.

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