Page 88 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 88

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  Some may ask: why they did not help others to rise to their level!? What was the
            reason? Did they fear losing their godlike position? Certainly not, the crux of matter
            is that to get these kinds of qualities and abilities each person has to go through
            the necessary evolutionary process alone. The speed, with which man can go along
            this evolutional stairway, depends entirely on him, his abilities, his mental and emo-
            tional qualities and his diligence. Some will be able to get through these evolutional
            stages very quickly, during one life. Some will need a lot of life cycles. Some will
            never succeed in attaining enlightenment by knowledge. Not because it is impossible
            in principle, but because for this purpose a person must go through it on his own,
            feeling deeply every evolutional step and no one is able to do it for him. In principle,
            it is possible to conduct a person through evolutional steps, but this will change noth-
            ing for this person, if he does not understand and know “what, how and why”.

                  If  spiritually  immature  person  gets  abilities  which  do  not  correspond  to  his
            evolutional level (which are considerably higher), it is fraught with danger that he
            could not stand the test or understand his responsibility and put them to evil ends.
            This happened a lot. A spiritually immature person with powerful abilities is a won-
            derful instrument for Dark Forces which parasitic essence allows skillfully manipu-
            lating this immaturity. This discrepancy between form and content was always the
            source of problems.

                  There will be nothing good, if someone will try to explain, for example, quan-
            tum physics and give a powerful laser to a newly-born child who has not learnt to talk
            yet, and not because man is unable to understand this in principle, but because a child
            is unable to understand quantum physics and the fact that a laser is not a toy. First,
            the child must learn to talk, write and read, go to school and study long, whereupon
            these concepts will be clear for him and he will understand the responsibility for his
            actions. However, not every child, getting proper education, will be able to under-
            stand quantum physics and the degree of his personal responsibility for actions.

                  There is nothing humiliating in this. Everyone is unique by nature, but, never-
            theless, all people differ in their abilities, talents, diligence and strength of character.
            Therefore, the realization of their life will be different. One way or another, highly
            evolved creatures who our ancestors-“children” perceived as Gods helped them, alt-
            hough  they  put  quite  another  meaning  into  the  word  “God”.  In  fact,  it  is  not  by
            chance, our ancestors told foreigners: “... we are Tarkh and Tara’s children...” Tarkh
            and Tara were considered patrons and keepers of the Russian Land. Let us find out
            who those Gods and Goddesses mentioned in the Tale about the brave Falcon were
            for Slavs-Aryans:

                  1.  THE  GODDESS  KARNA  is  a  Celestial  Goddess-Patroness  of  all  human
            births and reincarnations. She grants to everyone the right to get rid of mistakes and
            improper acts done during the earth life and to fulfill his destiny prepared by the Su-
            preme God ROD. She decides where in our Midgard-earth, in what ancient Clan of
            the Great Race, in what conditions and in which historical time a new embodiment
            will happen for a person to complete his life-way on Midgard-earth with honour and
            clean Conscience and continue it in the other World.

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