Page 108 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 108

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

            natural or premature, leave the spirit stranded in the astral jungle, unable to find a safe

                  Thus, our emotions may either save us when danger threatens or doom us to the
            tortures  of  "hell."  So  far  we  have  looked  only  at  the  basic  instincts  of  self-
            preservation and the phenomenology of the predator. But — over and beyond these
            — man possesses higher spiritual qualities which manifest in a whole spectrum of
            lofty emotions — and therein lies our hope for mankind's ultimate evolution as a

            truly intelligent and moral race.

            Chapter 4. The nature of the emotions: the higher emotions in man

                  Man enters this world through the travail and anguish of his mother, who, for
            nine long months has nurtured him in her womb. As soon as he gains self -awareness
            and curiosity about his origin, he is regaled with all kinds of tales about the stork who

              brought him home as a gift to his parents.
            Eventually — either crudely or delicately — he learns about the sexual coupling of
            his parents— an act which led to his conception. Union of sperm and ovum, carrying
            the parents' genetic coding, always marks the developmental starting-point of a new
            life (see Ch. 7, op. cit., for further de-tails).

                  Perpetuation  of  the  species  is  one  of  nature's  prime  functions  for  any  living
            creature  —  humans  included.  Of  course,  Mother  Nature  created  the  stimulus  of
            sexual gratification to accomplish this. But is it only physiology that rivets male and

              female to the close bonding that gives rise to life?
                  And, is it only sexual gratification that impels man and woman to forever bind
            their destinies together? Of course, sexual intimacy plays a pivotal role in human life,

            but it cannot explain the depth and spiritual richness of the love that binds — not just
              any man and woman together, but a specific man to a specific woman.
                  From  the  standpoint  of  physiology,  any  man  and  woman  are  compatible  and
            theoretically capable of producing a new life. But why, from a score of acquaintances
            or  myriad  strangers,  can  a  man  choose  his  "one  and  only,"  to  whom  he  dedicates
            songs and poems, and for whom his heart throbs and his soul sings? It is impossible
            to  explain  this  on  the  basis  of  sexual  instinct  alone.  Love  between  a  man  and  a
            woman  is  immeasurably  deeper  than  physical  attraction,  just  as  an  ocean  is

              immeasurably greater than a single drop of water.
                  What, then, is love?!
                  Along with emotions related to survival of the individual, nature endowed living
            creatures with emotions and feelings for perpetuation of the species, without which
            life as a whole could not survive. Such emotions and feelings are selective, not only
            for humans, but for all multicellular organisms. What is the nature of this selectivity?

              Everything is, at once, very simple and very complicated...
                  In the course of evolution on our planet, only those species survived that were
            able to adapt to environmental change and transmit positive mutations to their future
            generations.  The  positive  mutations  ensured  their  perpetuation;  their  maximal

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