Page 107 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 107

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

                  Meanwhile, changes occur in the astral body, so substantial that they become
            irreversible. Why  then, does murder by humans evoke such irreversible changes in
            the cell's astral body, while killing an animal for food  only blocks  evolution?  The
            crux of the matter is that murder of one's own kind appears to be an unnatural act. a
            violation of the  law of nature. One who kills his own kind has to summon  up the
            necessary emotional state by stringently forcing himself.

                  This creates a reverse flow of primary matter from the first mental body to the

                  The additional reverse flow renders the astral body dysfunctional and forces it to
            release its constituent primary matters — a process of reverse evolution. The urge
            triggering one human being to kill another is artificially created by inventing some
            nonexistent reason for the need to commit this unnatural act. Almost invariably this
            has to do with persons who want to wrest a bigger "piece of the pie" from others who
            possess more. Even if the situation is unjust, a further injustice does not remedy

                  As one old Chinese legend has it — once upon a time many gallant knights tried
            to  free  a  country  held  captive  by  a  dragon,  but  the  dragon  always  triumphed  —

            because each time a "hero" slayed the dragon and took his place he too became a
            "dragon."  And  this  continued  until  one  victor  did  not  follow  suit,  but  instead  just
            abandoned the dragon's castle with all of its treasures. And only then was the dragon
            vanquished completely  and  irretrievably.  "To kill the dragon"  one  must kill him
            within oneself: only then will one injustice not be replaced by another.

                  And until this happens to all mankind, the dragon will not disappear — even if
            some  hero  kills  the  "dragon  within."  There  will  always  be  some  kind  of  shoddy
            individual who will rush in to fill the "vacancy." Only if mankind evolves as a whole
            can the problem with the "dragon" be solved. Most negative motivation and conduct
            stems from the inferior evolutionary development of earth civilization as a whole and
            its  erroneous scale  of values born  of ignorance and perverted ide-ology. So, a just
            organization  of  human  society  can  only  come  about  when  realistic  knowledge
            replaces  ignorance  and  the  deceptive  reflections  of  a  distorted  worldview  are
            destroyed. Then wealth will no longer determine a person's status in society, nor will
            the "dragon" personae continue to prevail.

                  Until the day spirituality triumphs over greed and materialism, a sick society
            will  continue  to  motivate  many  unwary  souls  into  a  life  of  crime.  And  these
            wrongdoers, in their ignorance, will pay dearly for their distorted values and end up
            selling their souls to the "devil." It does not matter that they do not know or do not
            believe in the  existence  of the soul  — at the moment  of transgression  retribution
            becomes inevitable and will follow as a consequence of their own actions. This is an
            actual law of nature: the "devil" is born within each sinner and then slowly devours
            him. And the devil is — precisely — an array of lower astral creatures that inhabit an
            astral jungle filled with the spirits of dead animals. These feed on human spirits for
            their  sustenance,  so  that  the  hunters  become  the  hunted  —  the  prey  of  the  more
            powerful predators.

                  And  all  this  occurs  because  at  the  instant  one  transgresses,  the  astral  body
            undergoes qualitative changes — which ultimately, at the moment of death, whether

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