Page 106 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 106

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

            various  individuals,  according  to  their  psychic  type,  because  of  the  qualitative
            differences in their spiritual structure.

                  For this reason, different people require different amounts of time to return to
            their initial state, according to their psychic category. But a subject will be unable to
            restore the baseline if he repeats  the same actions  or deeds  too  often to  allow for
            recuperation time. In some cases this may cause a permanent deformation of the
            spirit's  original  structure  and  a  new  qualitative  spiritual  structure  for  that
            individual.  This  can  occur  even  with  a  single  action  if  accompanied  by  strong
            enough emotions. Emotional states with amplitude within the limits of stability for
            the astral body are still reversible.

                  Irreversible results correspond to emotional states  that transform the astral
            body beyond the stability limit. This renders the astral body unstable, causing it to
            eject primary matters G and F, triggering its qualitative transformation. Excessive

            loss  of  F  matter  leads  to  its  disappearance  from  the  astral  body's  structure,
            transforming it into a lower astral body (composed of G matter only). The result is
            reverse evolution.

                  The  astral  body  may  be  likened  to  a  rubber  band  with  sufficient  elasticity  to
            return to its original state after being stretched. But in time its elastic properties will
            decrease and its final shape will be less and less like the original. And, if stretched

              too far — it will simply tear...
                  Now,  to  return  to  the  emotions...  We  need  to  see  what  kinds  of  emotionally
            laden deeds and actions are powerful enough to cause irreversible changes in the

              qualitative structure of the astral body.
                  Let  us  recall  that  each  emotion  has  its  own  particular  self-dimensionality
            level in the astral plane: the lower the level, the more primitive the emotion. The
            emotional  state  of  a  predator  or  killer  is  one  of  the  most  primitive  in  nature.  For
            animal predators these emotions are a necessary condition of their existence without
            which they would become extinct. They enable the hunters to maximally concentrate
            their potential on the level of the etheric body, which generates tremendous physical
            strength and rapid reaction time at the moment of attack.

                  Practically all predators go hunting when they are hungry and kill only to satisfy
            this hunger, thereby preserving their life and that of their offspring. Here there is no
            violation of natural law. Predator animals occupy a specific place on the evolutionary
            scale and possess only a lower astral body. For this reason lowered dimensionality

            levels accompanying their emotional state do not initiate an irreversible process for

                  Humans,  because  of  their  position  on  the  evolutionary  scale,  are  more
            susceptible to the effects of any predatory emotions they experience. Even when a
            human kills an animal for food,

            his  astral  body's  dimensionality  level  decreases  by  a  certain  amount,  creating  a
            problem for him in terms of his continuing evolutionary development. When humans
            kill their own kind, the emotional load reaches a critical level, rendering the astral
            body unstable. This results in a discharge of primary matters and a sharp drop in the
            astral body's dimensionality level.

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