Page 105 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 105

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

                  Emotional  upheavals  of  the  choleric  also  decrease  the  astral  body's
            dimensionality  level,  but  never  to  the  value  commensurate  with  that  of  the  lower
            astral  plane.  This  favors  his  recuperative  powers  and  ability  to  restore  the  initial
            dimensionality level...

                  Thus, the degree of impact on an organism under emotional stimulation depends

                  upon the
            qualitative  structure  of  the  spirit,  as  manifested  within  the  spectrum  of  the
            various temperaments. Each emotional stimulus leads to a release of energy and the
            production of the corresponding emotional waves. This leads to the loss of G and F
            from the astral body and a decrease in its self-dimensionality. Each emotion changes
            the  latter  by  a  given  value,  constant  for  each  type  of  emotion.  We  may  therefore
            speak  about  a  fixed  spectrum  of  emotions  and  a  specific  level  of  self-
            dimensionality corresponding to each emotion.

                  The quality of base and negative emotions are in harmony with the lower
            astral  plane,  while  lofty  and  positive  emotions  resonate  with  the  upper  astral
            plane. Emotions are not merely

            reactions  to  internal  or  external  events  -they  have  a  qualitative  effect  on  the
            astral body by changing its self-dimensionality level.

                  A grasp of this phenomenon provides us with the key to understanding karma
            — the reason why every action we perform, every thought born in the depths of our
            soul affects us — either condemning us to the horrors of "hell" or consigning us to the
            rewards  and  delights  of  "heaven."  To  our  great  amazement,  we  discover  that  the
            "Higher Force" or "God" of the gospels, who rewards or condemns us is none other
            than OURSELVES, the consequences of our thoughts or actions, crimes or exploits,
            accomplished  during  our  lifetime.  And  our  own  "Higher  Tribunal",  operating  on
            automatic — independent of our wishes and oblivious of our mistakes — shows no
            mercy, no forgiveness...

                  How  does  this  tribunal  exist?  How  is  transgression  punished?  Crime  and
            punishment are not just philosophical concepts or juridical categories, but realistic
            natural  phenomena.  Unfortunately,  in  most  cases,  retribution  for  wrongdoing  is
            visited upon the spirit in future reincarnations or immediately after the death of the
            physical body. But this does not render the punishment less harsh. The problem is
            that conscience, memory, feelings or emotions belong, up until death, to our spirit
            only. The physical body is merely a vessel for the spirit. And when, on dying, we cast
            aside  our  now  use-less  physical  shell,  our  conscience,  memory  and  individuality
            remain.  So  to  understand  the  nature  of  karma,  we  must  grasp  the  mechanism  of
            emotional impact on the qualitative state of the astral body, as well as on all the other
            spiritual bodies...

                  Each of our actions brings about change in our emotional state. More precisely,
            each  action  corresponds  to  a  certain  emotional  state.  That  is,  the  qualitative
            structure  of  matter  actually  undergoes  transformation  in  order  to  consummate  a
            deed or action. Following this, the spirit's qualitative transformation persists for some
            time following the action, after which the spirit's structure reverts to the initial state
            (or approximates it). The very same action may have an entirely different effect on

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