Page 65 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 65

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

                  The cellular nuclei, which produce chromosomes, also deform the surrounding
            microspace,  thereby  increasing  its  dimensionality  in  the  deformation  zone.  As
            primary  matter  is  freed  up  through  disintegration,  it  begins  to  flow  through  the
            channels, created by the cellular nuclei, from the physical to the etheric levels, to the
            astral...etc. levels. The primary matter flows in a direction opposite to the main flow
            of primary matter in macrospace.

                  Therefore, the primary matter ejected through the cellular channel is oppositely
            deflected by the incoming counter-flows of macrospace primary matter. It is similar
            to the process occurring in fountains. A stream of water ejected under pressure rises
            to  a  certain  level.  After  exhausting  its  initial  potential,  it  drops  down,  creating  a

            characteristic dome of water. Likewise, primary matter, ejected through the cellular
            nucleus  channel  is  repelled  by  counterflows.  This  movement  occurs  along  the
            microspace curvature zone. Upon reaching the physical level, the counterflows return
            to  the  cellular  nucleus,  at  the  same  time  duplicating  the  form  of  the  microspace
            curvature. As a result, the primary matter creates an isolated zone around the physical
            and etheric cell bodies (see Fig. 27).

                  A special microclimate is created inside the protective cover. Once the latter is
            completely  formed,  the  general  flow  of  primary  matter  simply  bends  around  this
            zone. A microscopic oasis emerges around the cell. The etheric body of the cell is
            maximally isolated within this oasis, both from the chaos of the external environment
            and the impact of other cells and organisms.

                  This  protective,  insulating  cover  will  exist  as  long  as  disintegration  of
            substances  takes  place  inside  the  cell  and  as  long  as  channels  exist  between  the
            cellular levels. In other words — as long as the cell is alive.

                  In  multicellular  organisms,  cells  have  specialized  functions  and,  as  a  result,
            acquire diverse forms. Every multicellular organism is a fixed colony — that is, each
            of its components has a permanent, fixed position in its structure. The outer system of
            cellular fixation is created along with other cells of the same organism. This stable
            structural position of the cells is maintained through-out their entire life. (Blood cells
            are an exception).

                  Let  us  remember  that  every  living  cell  creates  an  etheric  body  —  which
            represents its structural replica. In a structurally stable colony, since cellular position
            is fixed, the etheric bodies also have a fixed position: hence etheric bodies of cells
            form an analogous fixed system — the etheric body of the multicellular organism.

                  As the multicellular life forms evolved, their cellular specialization led not only
            to  a  totally  different  appearance,  but  additionally  their  impact  on  the  microcosm
            triggered some essential qualitative changes. Thus, microscopic deformation caused
            by the diverse types of cells reached the astral planetary level.

                  Concomitantly, exact replicas of physical cells, with all their peculiarities, were
            being formed at the astral level, in a manner similar to what transpired on the etheric
            level. Let us designate them the astral bodies of the physical cells. They differ from
            etheric cell bodies not only in their position on the next qualitative level of the planet
            but also in their qualitative content.

                  Full astral bodies are formed by the synthesis of two primary matters (see Fig.

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