Page 68 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 68
Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1
Therefore, peoples' souls will differ from each other according to the
evolutionary level they have attained. Frequently, people at a moment of extreme
danger, or who have actually experienced clinical death claim to see "angels"
coming to their rescue. These "angels" are simply spirits possessing one or more
mental bodies.
What misleads people is their appearance: the glowing of the mental bodies and
their streaming tails leads to this misconception. Many religious notions have a basis
in reality. So natural phenomena, out of ignorance, are deemed of divine nature;
otherwise totally ignored or denied.
In multicellular organisms, the etheric, astral and mental bodies (possessing a
high degree of evolutionary development) together constitute a single unified system
— the spirit, or soul (see Fig. 30).
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