Page 70 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 70

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

                  A channel common to the entire multicelled organism is formed along the spine.
            Primary  mat-ter  turns  in  counter-flows  during  its  movement  along  the  common
            channel.  The  flow  occurs  along  the  microspace  curvature  zone  being  constantly
            created by the neurons of the spinal cord and brain.

                  Upon reaching the physical level, currents of primary matter turn at the coccyx,

            recapitulating  the  shape  of  the  microspace  curvature.  As  a  result,  primary  matter
            establishes a stable buffer zone around the physical body and spirit, giving rise to the
            organism's protective shield (see Fig. 31).

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