Page 66 - Spirit and Mind. Vol 1
P. 66

Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and mind. Vol.1

                  The astral cell bodies of multi-celled organisms also form a fixed system — the
            organism's astral body. The appearance of astral bodies in living organisms marks a
            gigantic leap in the evolution of living nature. The presence of three interacting
            levels  inside  the  cells  created  the  sufficient  and  necessary  conditions  for  the
            emergence of memory, emotions and intellect. Such is the basis for highly organized

            living matter.
                  In  certain  multicelled  organisms,  some  types  of  cells  adapted  so  well  to  the
            performance of their functions that the resulting microspace deformation reached the
            first mental level of the planet . These are the cells of brain, bone marrow and spinal

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