Page 185 - Revelation
P. 185

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  He named him Alexander, choosing the name on his own, because my mother was
            in the hospital. When my grandmother offered to help to bury the child, my father
            refused. He did everything alone from the very beginning to the end. I cannot imagine
            how much one has to suffer to bury a new-born son and to know at the same time that
            his beloved wife is dying in the hospital, but my dad endured it all without a single
            word of reproach to anybody. The only thing he entreated for in his heart was his
            beloved Annushka coming back to him until this terrible blow would knock her down
            once and for all and the night would fall on her exhausted brain...

                  So,  my  mother  came  back  home  and  he  appeared  powerless  to  help  her,  not
            knowing how to take her out of that terrible "dead" state.
                  The death of little Alexander deeply shocked the Seriogins. It seemed that the
            sunlight would never come back into this sad home and laughter would never sound
            there  anymore...  My  mother  was  still  deeply  "crushed".  Although  her  young  body
            gradually started getting well, submitting to natural laws, her wounded soul, like a bird
            that had fluttered off, was still far away  and did not hurry to return, being deeply
            submerged in the ocean of pain despite all dad’s efforts...
                  But soon, in six months, they had good news – my mother was pregnant again...
            In the beginning my father was frightened, but on seeing that my mother very quickly
            began to come back to life, he decided to take the risk, and now everybody waited for
            the second child with huge impatience. This time they were very careful and tried to
            protect  my  mother  from  any  undesirable  mischance  in  every  way.  Regrettably,  it
            seemed  misfortune liked this hospitable door for some reason and it knocked at it

                  The doctors knew the sad story of my mother’s first pregnancy and decided to
            secure against any contingency and do a Cesarean section before the contractions began
            (!). It is highly likely they did it too early... One way or another, a girl was born. She
            was given a name, Marianne, but unfortunately, she did not live long – in three days

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