Page 128 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 128

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  1.20. The reason for Dark Forces’ particular interest in Midgard-


                  Thus, Light civilizations brought up the problem of creating a civilization which
            would possess something which would be  impossible  or, at least, very difficult to
            steal and which would appear as a result of the individual evolving of any bearer of
            mind and could not be copied. Therefore, the representatives of many civilizations of
            the  white  race  arrived  on  Midgard-earth  aiming  to  mix  different  properties  and
            qualities which they bore in their genes and create new properties and qualities in
            order  to  operate  upon  reality.  They  could  only  suppose  what  these  properties  and
            qualities would be, but nobody could give an exact answer as to what results should
            be expected of this experiment. Therefore, conducting this experiment on Midgard-
            earth, the hierarchs of Light civilizations became mere observers. One or two of
            them came to our planet periodically like, for example, Perun who gave us Perun’s
            Book of Wisdom or, Tarkh (Dazhdbog) who destroyed Lelia with its secret bases of
            Dark Forces (parasitic civilizations) which had “sniffed out” the experiment.

                  Others were constantly among the descendants of migrants and played the role
            of  teachers,  defenders  and  genetic  engineers,  controlling  the  process  in  Clans  and
            communities; they were called URs. Urs, in their essence, were the teachers of a new
            race, of space man, however, before this “species” could appear, thousands of gener-
            ations of gradual accumulation of properties and qualities in one individual, many of
            which had never merged into a single whole, must pass. Someone may ask the fol-
            lowing question: why were teachers, nursemaids or “shepherds” (the label does not
            matter) necessary?
                  Why not let everything develop as it may and look at what comes of it? In prin-
            ciple, the Urs’ intervention was minimal. They mainly ensured that the development
            went  in the necessary  direction, preventing serious  evolutional deviations  or back-
            ward motion. Except for defense, the main focus of attention was on education and
            the forming of moral principles, without which the development of an individual is
            simply  impossible.  The  point  is  that  genetic  potential  neither  gives  spirituality  to
            man, nor forms moral principles. The spirit of man or any other reasoning creature
            should earn them from one embodiment to another.

                  Even a highly developed spirit, once incarnated, must go through all stages of
            evolutional development: from the stage of animal to that of reasoning man           115 . That is
            why “nursemaids” are needed in the time of this child's evolutional blindness – they
            help “children” to get through this dark evolutional period of development until the
            enlightenment of consciousness happens. If we take into account that a lot of lives are
            required  to  achieve  enlightenment  and,  unfortunately,  not  everybody  can  achieve
            complete  enlightenment of consciousness, the necessity  of such guardianship be-
            comes obvious, especially if we imagine the possible consequences of blind or erro-
            neous control of these kinds of abilities. Therefore, the Urs’ guardianship was not
            excessive at all. The word CULT URA (culture) was saved in the Russian memory of

                  115  Nicolai Levashov, Spirit and Mind. Vol. 2, Chapters 7,9.

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