Page 127 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 127

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            necessary amounts which they could do without any problem. For these aims they
            pitilessly used both the resources of the seized planets and their population convert-
            ing  them into slaves. The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas tell about this  several times. The
            parasitic method of existence required newer and newer resources. When the parasitic
            civilizations exhausted a planet-earth, they destroyed the now unnecessary to them
            planet along with the rest of the aboriginal reasoning life:

                  6. (134). The Fash-destroyer evaporated all rivers and seas,
                  And the sky was filled with black clouds,
                  A ray of light cannot pass through the pitch-dark gloom...
                  … Life will never come back to this World....
                  This happened on many Earths to which
                  The enemies came from the Dark World...
                  They were attracted by the riches in the
                  Bowels of those wonderful Earths.
                  Using flattery, they wormed into the confidence
                  Of the inhabitants and set people against each other…
                  This was how wars were born in those Worlds…

                  7. (135). When the wars were over,
                  The rest of the survivors were exposed to tziran rays…
                  And people were deprived of their Consciousness and Will,
                  And they mined the riches from the bowels of their Earth,
                  Submitting to the Alien enemies’ orders…
                  When the riches of those Earths were emptied
                  And the bowels of the earth were exhausted,
                  The enemies destroyed all people.
                  They took everything that had been extracted from the Earth.
                  But when people were able to drive them out,
                  The Strangers sent the Fash-destroyer to these Earths...
                  The dark, parasitic civilizations are not able to create. That is why, when they
            have  “gobbled”  one planet along  with its civilization, they immediately search for
            another one to do the same thing with it. Certainly, they chose for their attacks the
            Earth-planets with highly developed civilizations, often using deception and flattery
            for this purpose. After they have taken the next highly developed civilization, they
            copy their technologies and begin the next star war. As a result of one of the last star
            wars, most likely on an intergalactic scale, new “settlers” appeared on Midgard-earth
            40-35 thousand years ago. These were the yellow, red and black races.

                  114  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas, The Perun Vedas Santias. The First Circle. Santia 9, p. 68-69.

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