Page 157 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 157

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            in the areas with the Temperate Climate, the animal life was developed, both on the
            surface and in trees. Modern man is referred to as a species which developed on the
            surface, not in trees. Therefore, the areas with a Temperate Climate are optimal for
            the adaptation of humans.

                  Now we will find out how modern man has adapted to existence in the Temper-
            ate Zone.

                  This climatic zone was developed by  the white race, because the representa-
            tives  of the  yellow, red  and, most especially,  black races  can hardly  endure cold
            conditions. Once again this fact confirms the information from the Slavonic-Aryan
            Vedas that different races came from different Earth-planets.

                  And now let us find out whether there is a difference between the way the white
            race has developed the Temperate Zone and the way other races have developed their
            territories; and if there is, then what is this difference (about the “great” civilizations
            of the black, red and yellow races we will talk later).
                     Enough was said earlier to define the essence of man’s passive type of adapta-
            tion to the ecological system. Man is passively adapted to it when he just uses what
            nature gives. In other words, the passive type is a consumer one in relation to nature,
            and it leaves a corresponding mark on man if he follows this way, independent of his

                  2.8. The white race’s active type of adaptation to the Temperate

                  So, it happened that the white race developed the Temperate Zone. Independent
            of the reason, it is a fact. Let us find out what is the difference between adaptation to
            the living conditions of the Temperate Zone and that of other zones.

                  When developing the Temperate Zone, the white race was engaged in hunting,
            fishing  and  gathering.  The  coniferous,  mixed  and  deciduous  forests  and  forest-
            steppes are full of game and game-birds, berries and mushrooms; lakes and rivers are
            full of fish. Just take and enjoy! But if man takes, he uses the passive type of adap-
            tation to the ecological system, in other words, he is a user of nature. So, what is the
            distinctive feature of man’s adaptation to living conditions in the Temperate Zone?
            Everything seems to be the same. In any climatic zone man appears as a user of na-
            ture and the passive type of adaptation is observed! So why make a fuss searching
            for differences which may not exist? What difference does it make which animal or
            bird man kills, what fish he catches in a river or lake, what fruits he gathers to feed
            himself and his family? What matters is that the food he gets is edible. Indeed, it does
            not matter what game, bird, fish or fruits man uses to feed himself. However, there is
            one “small” difference which dramatically changes everything.

                  It consists of the fact that in temperate conditions man can do everything men-
            tioned before for only six, maximum eight, months a year, however, he wants to eat

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