Page 31 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 31

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            tried to get rid of a bad house-spirit, using all means they could find, and get them-
            selves a good one. But all this was only “leftovers from the master’s table.” There-
            fore, when women had opened the doors into other levels of reality, using their psi-
            abilities, these creature-parasites got an absolutely new source to maintain their exist-
            ence. On studying the psychology of their “bread-winners” pretty well, the most rea-
            soning of them created the necessary illusions in the first explorers of other levels of
            reality and entered into symbiosis with them (a mutually beneficial existence of two
            or more creatures of different species). They served as the sources of real information
            of both past and future events for those who lived on the physical level, which was a
            very powerful weapon in able “hands.”

                  In addition, they fulfilled other delicate services, requiring only one payment —
            the women-psychics’  life-force. The more significant a favour was, the higher  the
            payment.  In  the  course  of  time  these  creature-parasites  influenced  the  mediator-
            women  stronger  and  stronger,  gradually  changing  them,  adjusting  with  them  and
            converting these women into their own continuation, enslaving them more and more.
            Usually this resulted in the evolutional degradation of women, who did not under-
            stand the value of what they gave, their life-force, and the illusive value of what
            they got in exchange. Sooner or later such women-mediators turned into appendag-
            es, the guided dolls of their “helpers” from the other world, often unaware of this. A
            clever “servant-parasite” gradually turned into a master, and a naive “master” be-
            came a totally dependent servant. Thus, women  endowed with parapsychological
            abilities became the guides for Dark Forces about which the Vedas tell .
                  The  manifestation  of  the  parapsychological  abilities  greatly  depended  on  the
            place where the “doors” to other levels of reality were opened. The areas where the
            power streams either exited or entered the surface of the planet, the so-called positive
            or negative geomagnetic areas, were ideal places for this kind of contact with the oth-
            er  levels  of  reality.  These  areas  were  found  empirically  and  the  most  powerful  of
            them were declared sacred places where priestesses communicated with Gods. After
            these creature-parasites had completely subjugated their “hostesses,” they began to
            require more life-force from them. Women with strongly expressed parapsychologi-
            cal abilities became priestesses of one or another “god.” In order not to lose all their
            life-force, they began to gather around them people who possessed a strong vital en-
            ergy and to use them as a source of life-force when contacting “gods.” Nevertheless,
            very often it was not enough and creature-parasites, now in complete control over the
            priestesses, required sacrifices, mostly human ones and the more the better. During
            the ritual of a sacrificial murder, the victim’s life-force became booty for these par-
            asites. Very often victim’s spirits also became prey and eternal captives of creature-
            parasites. As a payment for this these “gods” gave the priestesses some information
            which was valuable to people, demonstrated wonders through them to support a blind
            faith in their existence in the populace. Because of the biochemical and psychical fea-
            tures, these processes were extremely strongly expressed in the representatives of the
            black race, who created the cult of the black mother, the Goddess Kali-Ma. Until

                  36  Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and Mind. Vol 3. Chapter 10.

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