Page 61 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 61

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  The words, as such, mean nothing, but only that which they reflect or transmit:
            Dark Forces  or Devil, Koscheis  or Dark Arlegs,  Princes  of Darkness  or  Cher-
            nobog — the name is not important, but the essence is! Without understanding of the
            essence which is behind these and other words it is easy to become a plaything in the
            hands of these forces, when black is declared to be white, and white — black. In or-
            der to avoid this kind of trap, it is necessary to  penetrate into the sense of these
            words. One needs to feel them deeply in his heart, comprehend with his soul and rea-
            son and be filled with the light of knowledge and understanding of what is going on.

                  Let us clarify the essence of the phenomenon which is behind the concept of a
            social parasite, because this is of incredible importance for understanding what is
            happening on our Midgard-earth and not only on it! Dark Forces are social parasites.
            This is not simple phrase-mongering, but the knowledge and understanding of what is
            going on; when this understanding pierces every cell of your body, when you deter-
            mine the truth, not only with your brain, but with the whole of your being. But what
            is  a  parasite!?  Many  are  acquainted  with  the  concept  of  a  biological  parasite.  But
            what is a social parasite!? Is there anything in common between these concepts (ex-
            cept for the word “parasite”), if there is, what is it? If there are distinctions, what are
            they? How do words before the word “parasite” change the essence of what is going
            on? Well, the difference between a biological and social parasite is fundamental and
            easily determined.

                  A  biological  parasite  eliminates  a  weak  or  sick  animal,  thus,  giving  to  the
            strong and healthy ones the possibility to continue their evolutional development, of-
            ten saving them from the source of infection and diseases which bear death to all. The
            individual tragedy of one organism, one creature, in the end, serves evolutional pro-
            gress, saving species as a whole. That is why biological parasites can be referred to
            as positive natural phenomena, despite their repulsive essence.

                  A social parasite strikes a strong and healthy social organism and brings it, in
            the end, to its evolutional death. Here is their principle difference. Here is the es-
            sence of understanding of the nature of Dark Forces, Devil, etc. Perun showed this
            essence clearly and expressively. “…When the wars were over, the rest of the survi-
            vors were exposed to tziran rays… And people were deprived of their Consciousness
            and Will and they mined the riches from bowels of their Earth, Submitting to the Al-
            ien enemies orders…” — Perun’s words reflect the manifestation of social parasites
            which he calls Dark Forces.

                  The next “feature” of social parasites clearly oozes from the following words:
            “…When the riches of those Earths were emptied and the bowels of the earth were
            exhausted, then enemies destroyed all people and took everything which was extract-
            ed from the Earth…” And the final “touch” to the social parasites’ portrait: “… And
            when people were able to drive them out, the Strangers sent the Fash-destroyer to
            these Earths...”

                  Perun created a very vivid and strong image of a social parasite showing his es-
            sence in full. Thus, “Dark Forces” has transformed into a concept, two words, each
            of which does not carry any negative sense (for example, hair can be “dark”, or skin,

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