Page 63 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 63

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  Second:  Each  of  these  sources  has  its  power  limit,  because  the  qualities  and
            properties  of materials  of which these field  generators are  made have their  limita-

                  Thus, the number of Gates between Worlds which can “sit” in each field genera-
            tor is limited and depends on the distance between planets-Earth and the qualita-
            tive state of the space between them. The system of Gates between Worlds can be
            pictured as a “string of Christmas-tree lights” where every “bulb” is a Gate on a plan-
            et-Earth. And all these “bulbs” “shine” on the Tree-Universe only when this string is
            “plugged” into a “socket”.

                  In order to understand what this “socket” is, we should pay attention to Perun’s
            words: “…The Multi-Gate Circle is torn to pieces…” The Multi-Gate Circle is this
            “socket” which switches on all “bulbs” of the Gates between Worlds “string”. The
            force generator, the Multi-Gate Circle, is located on one of the Earth-planets, for ex-
            ample, on Troara-Earth. The name of this circle indicates that many Gates between
            Worlds located on different planets-Earth were united in a single whole. The pump-
            ing of this generator of force is carried out by means of the Needles which influence
            the space dimensionality around it and, thus, satiate it with streams of matters.

                  Just as the streams of water will always fall downward under the force of gravi-
            ty, the streams of matters created by the Needles will satiate the Multi-Gate Circle,
            thus, replenishing all Gates between Worlds which belong to one system (Fig. 10).

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