Page 60 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 60

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  This happened on many Earths to which
                  The enemies had come from the Dark World.
                  They were attracted by the riches in the
                  Bowels of those wonderful Earths;
                  Using flattery, they wormed into the confidence
                  Of the inhabitants and set people against each other…
                  This was the way wars were born in those Worlds…

                  7. (135). When the wars were over,
                  The rest of the survivors were exposed to tziran rays…

                  And people were deprived of their Consciousness and Will,
                  And they mined the riches from the bowels of their Earth,
                  Submitting to the Alien enemies’ orders…
                  When the riches of those Earths were exhausted
                  And the bowels of the earth were emptied,
                  The enemies destroyed all the people
                  And took everything they had extracted from the Earth.
                  But when people were able to drive them out,
                  The Strangers sent the Fash-destroyer to these Earths...
                  Perun describes the consequences of using the Fash-destroyer — which the Sla-
            vonic-Aryan Vedas called the atomic and nuclear weapons. Taking as an example
            the fate of two planets, Troara-earth and Rutta-earth, he gives a detailed description
            of the consequences of the nuclear blows delivered to these planets and describes the
            Dark Forces’ strategy and tactics. “… This happened on many Earths to which the
            enemies had come from the Dark World...” Perun continues the narration and we can
            see the picture of horror and senselessness of this space catastrophe unfolding before
            our inner eyes. Star wars are not an invention of science-fiction writers, but the reali-
            ty of the past and present.

                  The fight between Light and Dark Forces is not some conditional concept that
            depends on the point of view or desire of the person who expounds it, trying to de-
            scribe himself from the best side and wishing to make the truth  favourable to him.
            This fight is the fight between life and death, evolutional movement forward and
            evolutional dead-end. When a social parasite of the planetary level gets the possi-
            bility  to act  in Space, he becomes very dangerous,  especially, if he  has a weapon
            which can convert planets into deserts.

                  59   The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. Santias of the Perun Vedas. The First Circle. Santia 9, p 68-69.

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