Page 62 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 62

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            eyes, nights, corners, etc). The understanding of this concept reveals the nature of a
            terrible, in its essence, social parasite. After we have penetrated into the essence of
            this phenomenon, no masking with verbal disguise will be able to deceive us, to take
            us away, to tempt us by its illusory beauty and harmony behind which there is noth-
            ing, but evolutional death...

                  1.10. The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas about the Star Gates. Their prin-
                  ciple of operation

                  Let  us  come  back  to  Perun’s  words  concerning  the  consequences  of  nuclear
            blows delivered to two planets and pay attention to the fact that he distinguishes ex-
            actly these two Earth-planets out of many others destroyed by Dark Forces, Troara-
            Earth and Rutta-Earth. It is possible that they were chosen accidentally, just to give
            an example. And the best choice in this case would be an example of something well
            known to the listeners, if all or some of them had visited these Earths and seen every-
            thing with their own eyes. Exactly in this case the perception of the story will be deep
            and  emotionally  strong.  A  detailed  description  of  the  consequences  of  the  nuclear
            blow on Rutta-Earth fulfills this task the best way. However, Perun pronounces only
            a few phrases about Troara-Earth. Why? Just for a tag? I don’t think so. Let us pay
            attention to the phrase: “… Now Troara is deserted, left without Life… The Multi-
            Gate Circle is torn to pieces; mountains are brought down on many Needles…”

                  The  Slavonic-Aryan  Vedas  mention  the  Multi-Gate  Circle  only  once.  These
            words, said as if by chance, have enormous value. The human consciousness simply
            skips them, because almost no one understands this concept, but, nevertheless, this
            phrase is far from being casual. The point is that the Gates between Worlds united
            Earth-planets into a system, into some kind of a star transport network, the working
            of which was provided by means of a powerful source and obviously, this source was
            not located on our Midgard-earth. Besides, the nature of this source was not electri-
            cal, magnetic, gravitational or any known combination of them. Modern orthodox
            science  has  only  touched  the  real  natural  laws.  All  forces  and  sources  of  energy
            which are known to it now are mere manifestations of the real force of nature which
            is a result of the interaction of anisotropic space with matters which exist in this
            space .
                  The  space  with  continuously  changing  properties  and  qualities  interacts  with
            matters which have certain characteristics and qualities. As a result of the interaction
            of infinity with finiteness, the Universe, which is partly accessible to human under-
            standing, originates. Understanding the nature of this interaction, one gets the possi-
            bility to control these natural forces. The operational principle of the Gates between
            Worlds is based on the understanding of the nature of the interaction of space with

                  First: The Gates between Worlds are united in the systems; each of them has its
            own source.

                  60  See Nicolai Levashov Anisotropic Universe.

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