Page 58 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 58

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  2. (130). Perun the Wise answered them:
                  Know, Keepers of the Gates between Worlds.
                  That there is a Great Assa in Svarga...
                  The Great Battle is taking place now
                  In Makosh, Rada, Svati and Race
                  With Alien warriors from Hell.
                  There, Light Gods from Prav
                  Smite the enemy hip and thigh;
                  And cleanse every Palace
                  Of the World from the warriors of
                  Darkness, which come from the Dark World…
                  In this extract from the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas we read about four galaxies en-
            gaged in star wars with Dark Forces: the galaxy-Makosh, galaxy-Rada, galaxy-Svati
            and galaxy-Race. At the same time, Light Forces liberate one constellation (Palace)
            after  another  in  these  galaxies  (Worlds)  from  the  warriors  of  Darkness  who  came
            from the Dark World (Dark Galaxy). Many civilizations of these galaxies took an ac-
            tive part in this intergalactic war, including some civilizations which had transport
            connections with Midgard-earth. And this means that:

                  First, our Midgard-earth lost the transport connections with many planets and
            that the Keepers of Gates between Worlds were unaware of why the Gates on these
            planets did not function.

                  Second, there were a great number of other planet-Earths with which Midgard-
            earth was able to make contact. The Gates were switched off on these planet-Earths
            because they were in the area of military operations, and there was a risk that Dark
            Forces could control them. If Dark Forces had managed to take working Gates, they
            could  have  quickly  and  unexpectedly  appeared  on  many  other  planet-Earths,  with
            which the Worlds mentioned in the extract had contact, through the Gates. Therefore,
            when  a  planet-Earth  was  threatened  to  be  taken  by  Dark  Forces,  its  Gates  were
            blocked immediately. In other words, this kind of action was an ordinary precaution-
            ary measure. Perun tells about this:

                  3. (131). … To protect from those spiteful enemies,
                  Who converted flourishing Earths to ashes,
                  Who shed the blood of innocent creatures,
                  And spared no one, neither young nor old,
                  Many Gates were closed,
                  In order that alien enemies could not get
                  To the Light Earths of the Great Svarga…
                  And they did not repeat Troara’s fate,
                  Which had illuminated the Worlds with its wise Love
                  In the Light Rada …

                  56  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. Santias of the Perun Vedas. The First Circle. Santia 9, p 68.

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