Page 73 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 73

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            higher  caste,  the  representatives  of  which  were,  beyond  measure,  carried  away  by
            technology,  forgetting  about  the  spiritual  aspect  of  development.  Possessing
            knowledge sufficient to create high technologies, they, nevertheless, remained spirit-
            ually immature. The conditions for inharmonious development had originated in the
            midst  of  this  civilization  created  by  the  migrants,  natives  of  one  of  the  Slavonic-
            Aryan tribes, the Ants, and, in the course of time, led to the desire to dominate the
            whole World. These distorted souls became a nutrient medium for the Dark Forces
            “virus” and created an environment which allowed the Dark Forces secret emissaries
            to penetrate into our planet.

                  Star parasites succeeded in penetrating our Midgard-earth. From this moment,
            the nuclear catastrophe which happened thirteen thousand years ago became inevita-
            ble. Ours became one of the Earth-planets infected by a Dark Forces virus. The secret
            preparation of the representatives of Antlan’s ruling caste, infected with this virus, for
            taking the power on the planet by force resulted in the nuclear war, which, in its turn,
            resulted in the catastrophe which eliminated the majority of those who were affected
            by the Dark virus. However, small groups of the higher hierarchs of Antlan (Atlantis)
            managed to board Vitmanas and Vitmaras at the moment of the catastrophe, survived
            and became those Dark Forces’ seeds which “fruits” we “harvest” even now:

                  5. (85). Following the advice of Strangers,
                  Who secretly arrived on Midgard-earth,
                  People will start to take the Life of each other...
                  For the sake of a sip of fresh water and a piece of clean food...
                  And they will forget the Ancient Wisdom
                  And the Laws of the God-Creator...
                  The great Disunion will come to the World of Midgard
                  And only Priests-Keepers of the Sacred Land of the Great Race
                  Will keep the purity of the Ancient Knowledge,
                  Despite all ordeals, privations and death…

                  Due to the fact that the inhabitants of our planet had been infected by the Dark
            Forces  “virus”,  Midgard-earth  was  isolated  from  other  Earth-planets  of  the  Light
            Forces. The Gates between Worlds (Star Gates) on our Midgard-earth were discon-
            nected from the transport system of Light Force civilizations to prevent the “virus”
            penetrating other planets. Our Midgard-earth was put into quarantine, which will last
            until our planet either rids itself of this “virus”, thus, getting immunity to it, or is de-

                  76  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas, The Perun Vedas Santias. The First Circle. Santia 6, p. 45-46.

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