Page 69 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 69

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1


                  1. Perun appeared before the  Keepers of  Ways after Da’Aria had sank in the
            ocean abyss because the nearest Moon, Lelia, had fallen on Midgard-earth. He de-
            scribes the events happening then in the past tense: “You have lived a tranquil life on
            Midgard since olden times, since the world became a safe and settled place…”

                  2. The reason for his appearance was the damage of the permanent interplane-
            tary transport network called the system of Gates between Worlds. The greater part of
            this system was deactivated because of the nuclear blow inflicted by Dark Forces to a
            key planet, Troara-Earth, where the Multi-Gate Circle was located and replenished
            this transport system with power.

                  3. The star wars between Light and Dark Forces have lasted for dozens of thou-
            sands of years and our Midgard-earth for several reasons has an important value for
            both sides. More precisely, Dark Forces try to take it, while Light Forces try to pre-
            vent this.
                  4. Dark Forces need to occupy Midgard-earth, not to destroy it. Otherwise they
            would have used a nuclear weapon a long time ago, which they did many times with
            other planets, as it follows from the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. The appearance of their
            bulwarks (bases) on Lelia, the nearest to our Midgard-earth Moon, confirms their as-
            piration to seize our Earth, not to destroy it.

                  Perun, as a representative of the higher hierarchy of the union of civilizations, in
            which our planet was granted a membership as a colony of migrants from other plan-
            ets, which were the members of this interstellar Light Forces union, came to Mid-
            gard-earth  in  the  period  of  the  next  tension  between  Light  and  Dark  Forces.  He
            passed on the information about the interplanetary transport network breakage and
            necessary  actions  for  its  renewal,  reported  about  a  fundamentally  new  tactic  and
            strategy applied by Dark Forces during their offensive actions against civilizations,
            members  of the  Light  Forces union, and also  gave  out information about the  sup-
            posed actions of Dark Forces and their consequences concerning Midgard-earth:

                  1. (81). The Volkhv Sviatozar,
                  From the glorious Clan of the SviatoRusov, asked:
                  Tell us, Father-Perun,
                  What will happen to the Saint Land of the Great Race
                  And with the Faith of our Ancestors?
                  Tell us, Light God,
                  If a severe time will come
                  For the Sons of the Great Race,
                  Who will be able to save the Saint Land of the Great Race…
                  And the descendants of the Celestial Clan?
                  A  terrible  ordeal  inexorably  approached  our  Midgard-earth—a  direct  contact
            with the legions of Dark Forces, which devoured everything healthy and strong like a

                  71  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas, The Perun Vedas Santias. The First Circle. Santia 6 p. 44.

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