Page 70 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 70

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            cancer tumour. Our planet was destined to become a ground for these parasitic forces.
            It was inevitable, because of certain periodical processes happening in the Universe.
            Then, Light Forces did not possess the abilities to resist Dark Forces so that they
            could protect themselves from aggression, and completely neutralize the enemy.

                  Our Midgard-earth was extremely important for Light Forces, because they at-
            tempted to create a new qualitative civilization of Light Forces, which would pos-
            sess a level of power inaccessible for anyone, when it would be possible to influence
            the  global  processes  of  the  Universe  by  the  force  of  mind.  Unfortunately,  Dark
            Forces knew about it and they undertook one attempt after another to seize Midgard-
            earth. They wanted very much to take advantage of the results created by Light Forc-
            es and exactly this is a typical approach of a social parasite.

                  1.11. Dark Forces change their strategy and tactics. The nature of
                  Days and Nights of Svarog

                  Dark Forces had learnt the lessons of their past defeats and dramatically changed
            their strategy and tactics of actions. Possessing certain knowledge and abilities of a
            parasite, Dark Forces began to penetrate through the immature elements of Light
            Forces. Skillfully playing on ambitions and spiritual blindness, they created situations
            when  through  these  elements  they  could  get  very  important  information  about  the
            systems of protection of the Earth-planets which were on the Light Forces’ side. This
            became possible when Nature itself involuntarily favoured them. It was a periodic
            change of the streams of the primary matters, which form both our and other Uni-
            verses that created an “Achilles' heel” for Light Forces. The domination of one or an-
            other primary matter in the overall streams of primary matters dramatically influences
            the evolutional development of reasoning creatures at the initial stages of their devel-
            opment. Dark Forces used precisely this temporal evolutional vulnerability of young
            and developing civilizations .
                  The power and density fluctuations of one or another primary matter streams are
            periodical.  Each  World-Universe  has  its  own  order  of  the  primary  matters  which
            dominate in the overall stream; it is determined by the quantitative and qualitative
            structure of this World-Universe. The domination of streams of certain primary mat-
            ters can cause instability and vulnerability in people and create favourable condi-
            tions  for  Dark  Forces  to  influence  the  civilizations  on  their  initial  intra-planetary
            phases of development when the majority of reasoning creatures have not crossed the
            area considered to be dangerous for the positive evolutional development.

                  Dark Forces use precisely this time and this evolutional stage of development
            for capturing reasoning creatures and converting them into their obedient instruments.
            If a civilization succeeded in general in getting through this dangerous “evolutional
            window”, all the following fluctuations of the power and density of the primary mat-
            ters streams do not have any serious negative influence for the evolutional develop-

                  72  Nicolai Levashov. The Final Appeal to Mankind. Chapter 6; Spirit and Mind. Vol. 1. Chapters 2,3. Spirit and
            Mind. Vol. 2. Chapter 9. Spirit and Mind. Vol. 3. Chapters 12. The article “The Last Night of Svarog”.

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