Page 68 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 68

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  When the Moon shattered to pieces
                  They fell from the sky to the Earth like a rainbow
                  And like Svarogiches’  array came down on Midgard...
                  The Ancient Threads which reached far
                  Distant Palaces  were destroyed…
                  And the links between the Worlds were broken...
                  The far away calls were not heard,
                  Many Vitmaras  were lost in the heavens...
                  Until new Threads were born
                  And their calls were heard in the Palaces.

                  13.(141). Many people died then

                  Before they had time to go up in Vitmanas,
                  Or to go through the Star Gates
                  And hide themselves in the Palace of the Bear.
                  The Threads of Palaces are broken again,
                  That is why the Celestial Needles lost their colour
                   For the Needles to shine again with colours
                  You should replace the Crystals of Irkama..
                  With the Crystals of Tara…
                  And through Zimun re-establish the Threads…
                  This extract of the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas, to which, for some reason, no one or
            very  few  people  pay  attention,  contains  extraordinarily  important  information:
            “…Many  people  died  then  before  they  had  time  to  go  up  in  Vitmanas,  or  to  go
            through the Star Gates and to hide themselves in the Palace of Bear…” This means
            that at the time of this planetary catastrophe many people had the opportunity to es-
            cape in space ships and who managed to go through the Star Gates, which, in its turn,
            means that at that time the level of Midgard-earth civilization was incommensura-
            bly higher than the one we have now. This also means that existing civilization is
            primitive and barbarian in comparison with that one, when displacing at hundreds
            and thousands, and maybe at millions and billons of light years between star sys-
            tems was a common thing for almost everyone; flights to other star systems in in-
            terstellar ships, the Vitmanas, were also a common thing for everyone. Perun says:
            “... The Threads of Palaces are broken again...”. Again! And this means the follow-

                  67  Svarogich (from the ancient kh’Aryan Rune “Sva” – Heaven) a son of Svarog. It could be referred to gods, as
            well as to bolides, meteorites and ball lightning.
                  68  Constellations.
                  69  Vitmana, a celestial chariot. Then people moved large distances of planetary scale by means of Vitmanas and
            between planets by means of Vitmaras. Each Vitmara could carry up to 144 Vitmans.
                  70  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas, The Perun Vedas Santias, The First Circle, Santia 9 p. 70-72.

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