Page 72 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 72
Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1
savagery with rare islands of civilization which the Priests-Keepers managed to pre-
serve. Perun warns his listeners precisely about these events:
3. (83). The Great night will wrap Midgard-earth.
And the Celestial Fire will destroy many Lands of Earth...
Vast Deserts will be there
Where wonderful gardens flowered…
Seas will be rolling on
Where life-giving dry land was
And high mountains covered by eternal snows will appear
Where sea waves washed…
1.12. The reasons for the catastrophe on Midgard-earth 13 016
years ago (2007)
During the war between the Ancient Slavonic-Aryan Empire and Antlan (Atlan-
tis) nuclear weapons and the psi-influenced forces of Nature were applied:
4. (84). People will hide in caves from
The poisoned death-bearing rains,
And will eat the flesh of animals
Because the fruits will be filled with poisons
And, having eaten them, many people will die …
The poisoned streams of water will bring
Death to the Children of the Great Race and
Descendants of the Celestial Clan,
And thirst will make people suffer…
These lines clearly describe the nuclear catastrophe, through which our Mid-
gard-earth went thirteen thousands years ago. It reduced Midgard-earth’s civiliza-
tion from the level of a colony of the enormous union of Light Forces civilizations
to a level of primitive savagery. Radio-active rains which fell on our planet, after the
nuclear explosions, got into lakes and rivers. Being poisonous, the liquid of life (wa-
ter) leaked through the soil into the blood of earth, the underground waters, and they
became poisonous too. The plants absorbed the poisonous water through their roots
and: “... the fruits will be filled with poisons and, on eating them, many people will
die …” Surrounded by radio-active water, people suffered from thirst, because drink-
ing it would result in a rapid and painful death: “… And thirst will make people suffer
The reason for this horrible situation was the spiritual immaturity of Antlan’s
74 The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas, The Perun Vedas Santias. The First Circle. Santia 6, p. 45.
75 Ibid.
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