Page 90 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 90

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            Dzhiva is a personification of a fruitful force of Life, eternal youth and amorousness
            and the greatest beauty of Nature and man.

                  She is a Goddess-Patroness of the Palace of Virgo in Svarog’s Circle. It is con-
            sidered that when Yarila-sun is in the Celestial Palace of Virgo, children provided
            with the special abilities like the foresight of great changes, prediction of natural ca-
            tastrophes and the ability to know about any tangled situation are born. The goddess
            Dzhiva is a kind-hearted wife and rescuer of the God Tarkh Dazhdbog. She also pro-
            vides pregnant women and nursing mothers of the Great Race Clans, who observe
            the ancient domestic traditions and centuries-old Family way of life, with tenderness,
            kindness, heartiness and attentiveness.

                  7. THE GOD TARKH PERUNOVICH (DAZHDBOG) is a God-Keeper of the
            ancient Great Wisdom. He was called Dazhdbog (the giving God) because he gave
            Nine Santias (Books) to the people of the Great Race and descendants of the Celestial
            Clan. These Santias have been written in ancient Runes and contain the Sacred An-
            cient Vedas, Tarkh’s Commandments and instructions. Dazhdbog is a bearer of every
            blessing, happiness and prosperity. Tarkh Dazhdbog was glorified in sacred and folk
            canticles and hymns not only because he gave happy and deserving life to the Clans
            of the Great Race, but also because he has eliminated the forces of the Dark World
            which Koscheis gathered on the nearest Moon, Lelia, in order to take Midgard-earth.

                  Tarkh Dazhdbog destroyed this Moon together with all dark forces located on
            it... Dazhdbog Tarkh Perunovich is a God-Patron of the Palace of Race in the Circle
            of  Svarog.  In  many  ancient  Vedic  texts  Tarkh’s  golden-haired  sister,  the  Goddess
            Tara, asks him to help the people of the Great Race. Together they fulfilled good
            deeds, helped people to make boundless spaces of Midgard-earth habitable. The God
            Tarkh indicated the most convenient place to build a settlement or a Temple, and his
            sister Tara advised people what trees they must use for it. She taught people that they
            should plant new trees to replace  felled ones so  that  their descendants could also
            have enough material for building. Afterwards many Clans began to call themselves
            Tarkh and Tara’s  grandchildren…
                  I arranged Gods and Goddesses who Nastenka visited while she was looking for
            her promised in the order in which they were mentioned in the Tale about the Brave
            Falcon: Karna, Jelya, Srecha (Fate), Nesrecha (Misfortune), Tara, Dzhiva and Tarkh
            Perunovich (Dazhdbog). If we pay attention to their “areas of responsibility”, we will
            notice some interesting nuances.

                  Nastenka asked  the  Goddess  Karna whether the Brave  Falcon was incarnated
            somewhere for a new life. She asked the  Goddess Jelya whether the Brave Falcon
            was in the world Nav, in other words did he die and pass from the World of Yav to
            the  World  of Nav?  It  turns  out that Nastenka was not sure that her  promised was
            alive. When she found out that he was not in the world of the Dead, she went to the
            Goddess Srecha to find out where the filament of life and fate would conduct her and

                  93  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. The Third Book. Ingliism. The Volkhv Velimudr’s Word of Wisdom , p. 72-73,
            72, 63, 63, 61, 49, 45-46.

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