Page 94 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 94

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  As it follows from this extract, there was a landing ground for spaceships, Vit-
            manas, next to Asgard Iriyskij. It is of interest that Perun’s appearance in the flesh is
            especially stressed. Light Gods and Goddesses could appear before people in their
            spirits and socialize with them telepathically. However, then not all people could re-
            ceive telepathic information and it is possible to assume that the telepathic connection
            was carried out by specially prepared people, Volkvs and Veduns. When it was nec-
            essary to give information to the people unable to get it telepathically or to confirm
            the authenticity of extremely important information, Light Hierarchs appeared in the

                  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas draw special attention  to this fact which  indicates
            that this kind of event happened pretty rarely and that something extraordinarily im-
            portant  was  happening  both  on  Midgard-earth  and  in  Big  Space.  The  Hierarch  of
            Light Space Forces Perun, who was worshipped as a god (but this does not mean that
            he was a god), differed little from the inhabitants of Midgard-earth in his outward ap-
            pearance and had a physically dense body like any other human. And like any other
            human he had to use a spaceship, Vitmana, to move his physical body in space from
            one Earth-planet to another:

                  4. (4). The Ever-beautiful God spoke:
                  I come from Urai-earth, from the Celestial Svarga
                  Where Light Iriy flows in the gardens of Vyrij near the Celestial Asgard,
                  I am Perun the Thunderer, the son of Svarog.
                  Listen, people and warriors of Human Clans,
                  To my words. Listen to my words of edification…
                  It is of interest that Perun does not call himself a god: “I am Perun the Thunder-
            er, the son of Svarog”; neither did he call Svarog a god. Perun reveals to his listeners
            where he came from. It was Urai-earth, the planet Urai in the Palace (constellation) of
            the  Eagle  in  Svarog’s  Circle  The  constellation  of  the  Eagle  is  situated  in  the  east
            branch of the Milky Way and contains 119 stars visible to the naked eye. Its brightest
            star is Altair (Fig. 14).

                  96  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas, The Perun Vedas Santias. The First Circle. Santia 1, p. 14.

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