Page 92 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 92

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            Nastenka reached these planets only by means of Vitmanas and Vitmaras. And this
            means that the events described in the Tale took place during the war between Light
            and  Dark  Forces,  when  the  social  space  parasites  inflicted  nuclear  blows  and  de-
            stroyed some Earth-planets where the Multi-Gate Circles were located (for example,
            Troara-earth) and when the Gates between Worlds did not work on Midgard-earth.
            Therefore, it is possible to say with a greater degree of confidence that the events de-
            scribed in the Tale about the Brave Falcon took place about forty thousand years ago!

                  And now let us come back to Vitmanas and Vitmaras.

                  Let us remember that  our ancestors called a  Big Vitmara, the  Great  Celestial
            Chariot. This type of spaceship was intended to realize flights at very far distances,
            most likely, for flights from one galaxy to another. They could carry 144 Vitmanas
            which were used as research spaceships for travelling between the nearest star sys-
            tems located at relatively “short” distances and as trade spaceships. We can assume
            that there were two types of spaceships: intergalactic spaceships — Big Vitmaras
            and galactic spaceships — Vitmanas. The galactic spaceships were used for travel-
            ling within one galaxy. The intergalactic spaceships were used for displacement be-
            tween galaxies. The description of a different speed with which Vitmanas and Vitma-
            ras moved in space confirms this fact, when the speed of the Big Vitmara (the Great
            Celestial Chariot, Flaming Chariot or simply Celestial Chariot) was much greater
            than the speed of light. Most likely, the Big Vitmaras rolled up space to realize long
            spatial jumps from one galaxy to another. Neither Vitmanas nor Vitmaras rolled up
            space at small distances within the boundaries of one galaxy or when flying from one
            star system to another. Most likely, they observed the necessary safety measures dur-
            ing the star war between Light and Dark Forces, raging about forty thousand earthly
            years ago. But that is the subject of another story…

                  It is obvious that the Great Celestial Chariot, Flaming Chariot or Celestial Char-
            iot  are  different  colloquial  names  for  one  and  the  same  intergalactic  spaceship,
            Vitmara. Besides, some distinctions in the name can be caused because of their tech-
            nical differences which can be observed due to the followings reasons:

                  1. Each spaceship was created by different civilizations.
                  2. Each spaceship belonged to different types of intergalactic ships created by
            one and the same civilization.

                  One way or another, Vitmaras were used for travelling in space at incredibly far
            distances, inaccessible for Vitmanas, which, probably, could easily enter the atmos-
            phere of the planets and land on the surface. Exactly this feature explains the fact that
            they were used for the transportation of trade cargo. Different trade Vitmanas: gold-
            en, flaming and silver are mentioned in the Tale. It is of interest that there were sev-
            eral types of Vitmanas on the landing ground which Nastenka saw on the Goddess
            Srecha’s planet:  “… to the valley where different Vitmanas were. She saw a silver
            one, changed her fourth pair of iron boots and asked good people to take her with
            them..”  There  were  different  Vitmanas  but  Nastenka  chose  a  silver  one,  which
            means that only a silver Vitmana could take her to the Goddess Nesrecha’s planet.
            And  this  means  that  different  civilizations  or  unions  of  civilizations  had  different

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