Page 93 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 93

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1


                  Their external distinctions indicate that they had their technical peculiarities,
            which in turn, speaks about the fact that civilizations or unions of civilizations which
            had trade and, probably, other relationships evolved independently from each other.
            Different Vitmanas were found  only  on  one, the  third, Earth-planet  which enables
            one to draw the conclusion that, most likely, this planet was a sort of trade center for
            many civilizations; probably, because of its very convenient location in space...

                  1.14. The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas: Light hierarchs visit Midgard-
                  earth. Man’s evolutional stages

                  Vitmanas and Vitmaras are mentioned in different runic manuscripts. This con-
            firms that the displacement in space on spaceships was a common thing for our an-
            cestors. Moreover, the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas tell that Light Hierarchs personally vis-
            it Midgard-earth:

                  1. (1). Once, a long time ago, a Vitmana, the divine chariot,
                  Came down from the Heavens
                  In the city of Gods, in Asgard Iriyskij ,
                  Near the confluence of the sacred rivers of Irij and Om,
                  Near the Great Temple of Inglia,
                  And the sacred stone Alatyr.
                  When it landed on Earth
                  It was surrounded by an enormous glow and flames…
                  2. (2). The Celestial Clans of the Kh'Aryans and Da'Aryans,
                  Rassenas and SvyatoRuses,
                  The leaders and warriors of all Clans of the Great Race,
                  The silver-haired Veduns and wise Magi
                  And the servants of One God
                  Gathered near the Vitmana…
                  3. (3). They came together and sat
                  Around the Vitmana in rows.
                  They glorified Gods for many days.
                  And the Vitmana opened and
                  The Celestial light God in the flesh
                  Came out from it....

                  94  The city of Asgard Iryisky (temple city) was the capital of the Slavonic-Aryan Empire. It was built in the year
            of 5028 from the great resettlement from Da’Arya (104 7778 B.C.) and was destroyed by hordes of dzungars (Oirat
            (West Mongolian) tribes) in the year of 7038 according to the Slavonic calendar (1530 A.D.). It was a city of huge stone
            pyramids, city of volkvs and veduns. This city was the richest treasury of knowledge, which was kept in artificial un-
            derground caves under pyramids. The city of Omsk built in 17716 is located in its place today.
                  95  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas, The Perun Vedas Santias. The First Circle. Santia 1, p. 13-14.

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