Page 105 - Revelation
P. 105

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            There was only a drunken and agitated mob, roaring with laughter, which had just
            needed to unleash its beastly malice on somebody…

                  At last Axel’s pure, worn out with suffering, soul was free and flew away to join
            his light and only love, who had been waiting for him for so many long years...
                  Here was how very cruelly (again) the life of a man called Axel, who Stella and

                  I had not known before but who became so
            dear to us, was over. He was the same little boy
            which,  on  living  for  just  five  short  years,  could
            perform the only and most shocking feat in his life,
            of which any adult could be proud...
                  – It’s terrible! – I whispered in shock. – Why
                    did they do such things?
                  – I don’t know... – Stella whispered too. – For
            some reason people back then were very wicked;
            worse  even  than  beasts...  I  looked  at  it  so  many
            times to understand why, but I could not...
            – the girl shook her head. – They did not listen to
            their mind, simply killed and for some reason crushed every beautiful thing too …

                  – What about Axel’s children or wife? – I asked, recuperating from shock.
                  –  He never married. He always loved only his Queen. – Stella answered with
            tears in her eyes.

                  Suddenly a thought flashed through my mind. I understood who we had just seen
            and so worried about! It was the French queen Marie Antoinette. Recently (and very
            briefly!)  we  studied  her  tragic  life  in  a  history  lesson  and  our  teacher  strongly
            approved  of  her  execution,  considering  such  a  frightful  end  very  "correct  and
            instructive"... apparently, because of all history subjects, he mostly specialized in
            teaching "Communism"…
                  Despite the sadness I felt after what I had seen, my soul rejoiced! I could not
            believe the unexpected happiness that came like a bolt from the blue! I had waited
            for this for such a long time! It was the first time that I, at last, saw something that
            could be easily checked and I almost squeaked with the puppyish delight which
            seized  me!  Certainly,  I  was  not  so  glad  because  I  disbelieved  what  constantly
            happened to me. On the contrary, I always knew that everything I went through was
            real. Probably, like any ordinary human being and child, in particular, I, nevertheless
            needed sometimes even the simplest confirmation that I was still in my senses, had
            not gone mad, and could prove to myself that everything that was happening to me
            was not a figment of my imagination or fiction, but purely real fact described or
            seen by other people. Therefore such a discovery was a real gift for me!

                  I already knew beforehand that, as soon as I came home, I would at once rush to
            the municipal library to gather everything I could find about poor Marie Antoinette
            and  I  would  have  no  rest  until  I  found  any  fact  consilient  with  our  visions...
            Regrettably, I found just two thin books which did not describe many facts, but it was
            absolutely enough, because they fully confirmed that what Stella and I saw was the

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