Page 107 - Revelation
P. 107

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  – Oh, no! Please, I’ve had enough! – I begged. Stella chuckled joyfully.
                  – Don’t worry. There will be no trouble this time, because he still lives!

                  – How is that, he lives? – I was surprised.
                  A new vision appeared again and to my utter surprise we were in our century (!)
            and even our time... A grey-haired, very good-looking man sat at a writing desk and
            was deeply engrossed in thoughts. The room was crammed with books; they were
            everywhere – on the table, floor, shelves and even on the window-sill. An enormous
            fluffy cat sat on a small sofa, paying no attention whatsoever to his owner, washing
            itself  with  a  large  and  very  soft  paw.  The  "scenery"  created  an  atmosphere  of
            "erudition" and coziness.

                  –      What does it mean? He lives again? – I did not understand. Stella nodded.
                  – And it happens right now? – I went on.
                  The girl again nodded with her lovely red head.

                  – It is, probably, very strange for Harold to see his son being another person?
            How did you find him again?
                  – Oh, the same way! I simply "felt" his "key" like Gran had taught me. – Stella
            pronounced thoughtfully.  – When Axel died, I was searching for his spirit on all
            "floors" and could not find it. Then I looked among the living – and he was there.
                  – Do you know who is he now in this life?

                  – Not yet... But I shall. Many times I tried to reach him, but for some reason he
            does not hear me... He is always alone and spends most of the time with books. Only
            an old woman – his maid – and this cat are with him.
                  – But what about Harold’s wife? Did you find her too? – I asked.

                  – Of course, I did! You know his wife. It’s my Gran! – Stella smiled slyly.
                  I  was  really  shocked. For some  reason this unbelievable  fact was  absolutely
            beyond my comprehension...
                  – Your grandmother? – That was the only thing I could squeeze out of me. Stella

                  nodded, being extremely pleased with the produced effect.
                  – Wow! How is that? Is that why she helped you to find them? Did she know? –
            Thousands of  questions  simultaneously  spun  in  my  agitated brain. I  feared  that  I
            would not have time to ask about everything I wanted to know so eagerly. I wanted
            to know EVERYTHING! And at the same time I perfectly understood that nobody
            was going to tell me "everything"...

                  – Probably  I  felt  something  and  that  is  why  I  chose  him.  –  Stella  said
            thoughtfully. – But maybe it was Gran who "put me on the trail"? Well, she will never
            confess. – The girl waved with her hand.
                  – And HE? Does he know too?

                  – Of course, he does! – Stella broke into laughter. – Why are you so surprised?
                  – Well, it’s just, you know, she is already old... It must be hard for him…
                   – I faltered without knowing how to express my feelings and thoughts more

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