Page 103 - Revelation
P. 103

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  – All right, watch... – Stella sadly nodded.

                  A scaffold ominously towered in the middle of an enormous square crammed
            full of highly excitable people... A mortally pale, very thin and exhausted woman in
            white proudly stepped up its small crooked steps. A plain white nightcap almost fully
            covered her short cut fair hair; deep gloomy sorrow was reflected in her tired eyes,
            reddened by tears or insomnia...
                  Slightly  rocking  – she  found it difficult to  maintain equilibrium  because her
            hands were tightly tied behind her back – the woman somehow managed to climb the
            dais, still trying to remain straight and proud with all her might. She stood and looked
            at the crowd, without lowering her gaze or showing how truly scared she was... There
            was nobody around whose friendly look would warm the last minutes of her life...
            There was nobody, who would help her, with the warmth of their heart, withstand this
            horrific moment, when her life had to leave her in such a cruel way …

                  The  raging,  excited  crowd  suddenly  fell  silent,  as  if  it  had  bumped  into  an
            insuperable obstacle... The women in the front rows began to cry silently. The thin
            figure on the scaffold came to the block, stumbled and very painfully fell down on her
            knees. For a few short seconds she lifted her exhausted face, pacified by the closeness
            of death... deeply breathed... and, on proudly looking at the executioner, laid her tired
            head on the block. The crying became audible, women closed children’s eyes. The
            executioner came to the guillotine....

                                        The executioner shows the crowd the victim’s head

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