Page 104 - Revelation
P. 104

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  – My God! No!!! – Axel uttered a bloodcurdling cry.

                  At the same moment, suddenly the grey sky was split by a sunray which peeked
            from the clouds, illuminating the last path of the ill-fated victim... It gently touched
            her pale, terribly emaciated cheek, as if tenderly saying the last earthly "Good bye".
            Something flashed brightly on the scaffold – the heavy knife fell down and splashed
            scarlet drops.   The crowd gasped. The blond
            head fell into the basket and everything was over.   The beautiful Queen went where
            there was no more pain or mockery... only peace...
                  Mortal silence reined in the square. There was nothing to look at any longer...

                  This was how a tender and kind Queen died. To the last minute of her life she
            managed to stand, head proudly raised, which was then so pitilessly cut by the heavy
            knife of the bloody guillotine.
                  Pale Axel, stockstill, like a dead corpse, looked at the window with blind eyes
            and it seemed that life left him drop by drop, painfully slowly, carrying his soul very
            far away in order to merge forever in the light and silence with the one who he loved
            so strongly and selflessly...
                  –      My dearest... My soul. How could it happen that I did not die with you?
            Everything is  over now for me Axel whispered with stiff lips, still standing near the

                  But everything will be really "over" for him much later, in twenty long years,
            and his end will be no less terrible than that of his unforgettable Queen...
                  – Do you want to look further? – Stella asked gently. I nodded, unable to say a

                  We saw another crowd, raging in a wild
            frenzy, and Axel in front of it. It happened
            many  years  later.  He  still  was  a  very
            handsome  man,  only  his  hair  was  almost
            completely  grey.  He  wore  a  magnificent,
            military  uniform  of  a  very  high-rank  and
            looked  the  same  as  before,  elegant  and
            slender. So, the same brilliant and cleverest of
            men  stood  before  a  crowd  of  half  drunk,
            brutal people and in vain tried to outvoice and
            explain  something  to  them        Regrettably,
            nobody  wanted  to  listen  to  him.      Stones
            started to fly toward poor Axel; the crowd,
            kindling its malice with  swearing, began to
            push. He tried to defend himself, but he was
            knocked off his feet. They began to trample
            him brutally and strip off his clothes. A tall          Count Axel Fersen about twenty years after
            fat  person  suddenly  jumped  on  his  chest,               the death of Marie Antoinette
            breaking  his  ribs,  and  easily  killed  him
            striking Axel’s temple with his knee-boot. Axel’s naked, disfigured body was thrown
            on the side of the road, and there was nobody who would pity him, dead already.

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