Page 100 - Revelation
P. 100

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  –  Oh! Very bad people now will catch them and put them into a prison... even
            the boy.

                  – Where do you see a boy here? – I was surprised.
                  – Haven’t you got it? He is dressed up as a girl!

                  I shook my head. I still did not understand almost anything about what the matter
            was – neither the royal escape, nor the "bad people". So, I decided to watch what
            would be next, without asking about anything any longer.
                  –  These people treated the King and Queen really badly and wanted to capture
            them. Therefore they tried to escape. Axel arranged everything... But when he was
            ordered to leave them, the carriage went slower, because the King got tired. He even
            got out for "some fresh air"... and he was recognized right there and caught, of course.

                          Mayhem at Versailles                              Royal family arrest
                  Stella sighed... and threw us into the next "episode" of this not so happy, but still
            beautiful story...
                  This time everything looked ominous and intimidating.

                       Fear of what is happening ...                 Seeing Marie Antoinette to prison

                  We found ourselves in dark and repulsive quarters which looked to me like the
            most truly wicked prison. In a tiny, dirty, damp and stinking room a thin grey-headed
            woman, exhausted by sufferings and dressed in black, in which it was quite impossible

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