Page 108 - Revelation
P. 108

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  – Oh, no! – Stella laughed again. – He was glad! He was very, very glad. Gran
            gave him a chance! Nobody could help him, but she could! And he saw her again...
            Oh, it was great!

                  Only now at last I understood what she was talking about... Apparently Stella’s
            grandmother gave her former "knight" the long-awaited chance about which he had
            desperately been dreaming for his whole long life after physical death. After all, he
            had been looking for them for so long and so persistently, he wanted to find them so
            desperately just to tell them one thing: how awfully sorry he was that once he went
            away... that he was unable to protect them... to show how strongly and devotedly he
            loved them... He needed them so badly to understand and forgive him somehow,
            otherwise there would be no sense for him in living in any of the worlds...
                  So,  she,  his  sweet  and  only  wife  came  to  him,  appearing  as  he  always
            remembered  her,  and  gave  him  a  wonderful  chance  –  she  gave  forgiveness  and
            therefore, life…

                  It was only then that I truly understood what Stella’s grandmother meant when
            she told me how important the chance that I gave to the "gone" people was... Because,
            probably, there is  nothing more frightful in the world than to live with the unpardoned
            guilt of any offence and pain you once inflicted on those, without whom, the life you
            lived would not make any sense...
                  I suddenly felt very tired, as if this very interesting time I spent with Stella took
            the last drops of my forces... I absolutely forgot that this "interesting" thing, as well
            as all interesting things before, had their "price". Therefore now, as well as before, I
            had to pay for today's "adventures"... It happened that the "viewings" of other’s lives
            produced enormous loads for my poor physical body which had not got used to them
            yet, and to my huge regret, I could only hang on for quite a short time...
                  – Don’t you worry; I’ll teach you how do it! – Stella said merrily, as if reading
            my sad thoughts.

                  – Do what? – I did not understand.
                  – Well, how to last out so that you could be with me longer. – The girl answered,
            surprised at my question. – You are alive, therefore you find it difficult. But I’ll show
            you. Do you want to go where "others" live? Harold will wait for us here. – Slyly
            wrinkling her little nose, the girl asked.

                  – Right now? – I asked with a great deal of uncertainty.
                  She nodded... and suddenly we "fell through" somewhere, "leaking" through
            "star dust" which sparkled with all the colours of the rainbow and appeared in another
            "transparent" world which looked quite different from the previous one...
            Below are some photographs of rare paintings from the life of the French Queen Marie
            Antoinette. The first 4 photos: sixteen-year-old Princess Marie Antoinette and the
            young queen.

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