Page 169 - Revelation
P. 169

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            loved me selflessly and sincerely. In the most difficult years of my life my father was
            my "island of peace", where I could return any time, knowing that I would be always
            welcome there.

                  He had lived a very difficult and stormy life and wanted to be absolutely sure that
            I would be able to stand up for myself in any situation, no matter how unfavorable, and
            that any misfortune could not break me down.
                  I can say from the bottom of my heart that I vas very lucky to have parents such
            as mine. If they had been a little bit different, who knows where I would have been
            now and whether I would have existed at all...

                  I also think that fate brought them together for a reason, because it seems that they
            did not have any possibility to meet each other.
                  My father was born in Siberia, in a very far away city of Kurgan, which was not
            the place where his family initially dwelt. It was chosen for them by the then "just"
            Soviet government and was not a subject for a discussion...
                  So, one wonderful morning my real grandparents were rudely shown the door
            from their beloved and very beautiful enormous family manor, torn from their usual
            way  of  life  and  thrown  into  a  terrible,  dirty  and  cold  carriage  which  went  in  the
            intimidating direction of – Siberia…

                  Everything about which I shall tell further I gathered using nuggets of information
            here and there – from memoirs and letters of my relatives who live in France and
            England and also in Russia and Lithuania. To my huge regret I could do this only many
            years after my dad’s death.
                  My grandfather’s sister Alexandra (later – Alexis) Obolensky was exiled with
            them and the Seriogins – Vasiliy and Anna – voluntarily followed him, because Vasiliy
            Nikandrovitch was not only my grandfather’s charge d'affaires for many years, but
            also his closest friend. Probably one has to be a true FRIEND to have the courage to
            make a similar choice and go of one’s own free will where they went, because they
            perfectly knew that they went to meet their own death which regrettably was called

                  I always felt very sorry for our beautiful Siberia – a proud but pitilessly trampled
            by bolshevist boots, land! Black forces converted it into an intimidating "earthly hell"
            cursed by people, just like many other things and places. No words would be enough
            to  describe  how  much  suffering,  pain,  lives  and  tears  this  proud  but  exceedingly
            exhausted  land  has  absorbed  ...  Could  it  be  that  the  "far-sighted  revolutionaries"
            decided to slander and ruin it, choosing exactly this glorious land for their devilish
            aims,  because  once  it  was  the  heart  of  our  pra-Motherland?  In  fact  Siberia  has
            remained the "cursed" land, where somebody's father, brother, son or even the whole
            family died, for very many people ever since.

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