Page 164 - Revelation
P. 164

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            scaly,  pearl-blue  bodies,  which  brightly  flashed  under  the  golden-blue  sunrays,
            shimmered at every motion.

                  – It  is  so  beautiful!!!  –  Delighted,  Stella  could  hardly  exhale.  –  Are  they  very
                  – The dangerous ones do not live here. We haven’t had them for a long time. I
            don’t even remember for how long. – The answer sounded, and only now did we notice
            that Vaya was not with us and it was Miard who spoke to us. Stella looked around
            fearfully, apparently not feeling too comfortable with our new acquaintance.

                  – That means that you don’t have any danger at all? – I was surprised.
                  – Only externally. – He replied – If we are attacked.
                  – Does that happen too?

                  – Last time it was before me. – Miard answered in earnest.
                  His voice sounded in our head softly and deeply, like velvet, and it was very
            strange  to  think  that  this  unusual  semi-human  creature  spoke  our  "language."  But,
            probably, we had already become accustomed to so many different wonders that in a
            minute we found ourselves animatedly chatting with him completely forgetting that he
            was not a human.

                  – So, do you never have any troubles whatsoever? – Stella shook her head with a
            good dose of distrust. – But then it must be very boring for you to live here! – Her
            inextinguishable, earthly "thirst for adventure" spoke. I understood her perfectly, but
            we might find it difficult to explain that to Miard.
                  – Why boring? – Our "guide" was surprised, and suddenly, interrupting himself,
            pointed at the sky. –Look! These are Savias!!!
                  We looked up and froze. Fairy-tale creatures soared in the light-pink sky! They
            were absolutely transparent and incredibly colourful like every single thing on this
            planet.  It  seemed  that  amazing  sparkling  flowers  flew  in  the  sky,  only  they  were
            incredibly large... and each of them had a fantastically beautiful, unearthly face.

                  – O-o.... Look... it is amazing! – Absolutely stunned Stella whispered for some
                  I think I never saw her being so shocked. But all this truly was well worthy of
            surprise. No imagination, even the most refined one, could ever depict such creatures!
            They were so light that it seemed that their bodies were woven of the fulgent fog. Their
            enormous wing petals were gently swaying nebulising the blazing gold dust into a fine
            cloud.  Miard  strangely  "whistled"  something,  and  the  fairy-tale  creatures  began  to
            descend  forming  an  enormous  "umbrella",  flashing  with  all  the  colours  of  their
            incredible rainbow, over us. It was so beautiful that it took our breath away!

                  The first Savia which "landed" near us was a pearl-blue pink-winged one. She
            folded her shining wing petals in a "bouquet" and began to look at us with enormous
            curiosity  feeling  absolutely  no  fear.  It  was  impossible  to  look  indifferently  at  her
            whimsical beauty which attracted like a magnet and evoked the desire to admire it
                  – Don’t look too long. Savias charm. You will not want to leave. Their beauty is
            dangerous, if you don’t want to lose yourself. – Miard said gently.

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