Page 168 - Revelation
P. 168

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                                          In the forest for the first mushrooms ...

                  I remember very well when, whilst being a child, I hung on his neck when he

            returned home from his trips, endlessly repeating
            how I loved him. And he looked at me earnestly
            and answered: "If you love me, you must not say
            it but always show me".
                  These words remained an unwritten law for
            me  forever.  Probably,  sometimes  I  failed  to
            "show" it properly, but always I tried to do my

                  As a matter of fact, I owe everything I am
            now to my father who sculpted the future "me"                 On the banks of the Nemunas River
            step by step, never indulging me despite that he

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