Page 166 - Revelation
P. 166

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            go into a stranger’s house with your knee-boots on) and strongly nudged Stella, but she
            did not pay any attention to me and turned to Savia.

                  – Do you like living here? Do you miss your planet?
                  – No-o... It is beautiful-ul-ul here... – The soft voice rustled. – And

                  nice-ice-ice... Lilis unexpectedly lifted her shining "petal" and gently
                  caressed Stella’s cheek.
                  – A little one... Nice... Stella-la-a... – The fog sparkled over Stella’s head for the
            second time, but it was multi-coloured now. Lilis gently flapped with her transparent
            wing-petals and slowly began to rise until she joined her flock. The Savias became
            agitated, then suddenly flared and disappeared...

                  – Where did they go? – The little girl was surprised.
                  – They went away. Here, look... – Miard pointed to the marvelous sunlit creatures
            which soared in the pink sky already very far from our place heading to the mountains.
            –They are going home.

                  Vaya appeared unexpectedly.
                  – It’s time for you to go. – The "star" girl said sadly. – You cannot stay here so
            long. It is difficult.
                  – Oh, but we still did not see everything! – Stella was distressed. – May we come
            back here, dear Vaya? Farewell kind Miard! You are good. I will come back to you! –
            Stella said goodbye, as usual, talking to everyone at one and the same time. Vaya waved
            and we again begun to spin in the crazy whirlpool of shining matters and in a short time
            (or maybe it seemed short for me?) we were "thrown" out onto our familiar Mental

                  – It was very interesting there! – Stella began to squeak with delight.
                  It seemed that she was ready to endure the heaviest loads, if only once again she
            could go back to Vaya’s colourful world that she loved so much. I thought that she
            really liked it so much, because it looked like her own, which she adored to create for
            herself here, on earthly "floors"...

                  My enthusiasm dimmed a little, because I had already seen this beautiful planet
            and now I madly wanted to see something else! I had experienced this dizzy "taste" of
            the unknown and I longed to taste it again... I already knew that this "hunger" would
            poison my further existence and that I would miss it all the time. Therefore, if I wished
            to remain a happy person in the future, I should find a way to "open" the door into
            other worlds... But then I hardly understood that it was not so simple to open such a
            door... and that lot of winters would pass before I could "go for a walk" wherever I
            wanted and that another person would open this door for me... and that my wonderful
            husband would be this person.
                  – Well, what we are going to do next? – Stella tore me out of my dreams.
                   She was disappointed and sad because she did not succeed in seeing more. But I

            was very glad that she again became herself and I was sure that from this day on she
            would stop "having the blues" and be ready for whatever "adventures" may appear.
                  – You will forgive me, please, but I think I will do nothing more today. – I said

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